Using CD 7.5 with an Intersystems Cache ODBC driver. The data I get in a crystal report (dealing with multiple patients in a hospital setting) needs to be exported in a character separated file like so:
T65324|SCLINT|1/13/2004| 4:40:00AM|; AORTIC STENOSIS|
This works well, but the third party vendor I need to send this file to requires a leading RQ (request) between patients like this:
RQ|T65324|SCLINT|1/13/2004| 4:40:00AM|; AORTIC STENOSIS|
Obviously, this is not an existing field that I can capture within the database. Is there any way I can create a formula to default this in between patients ? The big picture looks like this (where each patient is given a distint "T" number):
T65494|SCLINT|1/13/2004| 5:45:00AM|
T65424|SCLINT|1/13/2004| 4:40:00AM|
T65806|SCLINT|1/12/2004| 5:45:00AM|
So I need to put a RQ| in front of each "T" number at the beginning of each line before exporting the crystal report to this format.
I don't think this can be done, but no harm in asking.
Using CD 7.5 with an Intersystems Cache ODBC driver. The data I get in a crystal report (dealing with multiple patients in a hospital setting) needs to be exported in a character separated file like so:
T65324|SCLINT|1/13/2004| 4:40:00AM|; AORTIC STENOSIS|
This works well, but the third party vendor I need to send this file to requires a leading RQ (request) between patients like this:
RQ|T65324|SCLINT|1/13/2004| 4:40:00AM|; AORTIC STENOSIS|
Obviously, this is not an existing field that I can capture within the database. Is there any way I can create a formula to default this in between patients ? The big picture looks like this (where each patient is given a distint "T" number):
T65494|SCLINT|1/13/2004| 5:45:00AM|
T65424|SCLINT|1/13/2004| 4:40:00AM|
T65806|SCLINT|1/12/2004| 5:45:00AM|
So I need to put a RQ| in front of each "T" number at the beginning of each line before exporting the crystal report to this format.
I don't think this can be done, but no harm in asking.