Hi there, I have installed e-campaign 6.4 to send out mass mailings. We are using Act! 2005 and I can connect to the database using the ACT! OLE DBProvider For Reporting 7.0
E-compaingn 6.4 pulls all the emails from Act! contacts using the statement {select * from VRP_CONTACT}
I would like to add WHERE command to the statement using specific column within the ACT! VRP_CONTACT database, the column is called {_news}. I only want to select emails which have True value in the _news column.
I am not able to find the correct syntax for the statement to accomplish the task
I tried WHERE 'VRP_Contact _news='True', 'Contact _news='True' and other variations but still not able to find the correct syntax of the statement.
Is there anyone who can give me general/specific guidance on how to construct this simple SQL statement in general / with e-copmaign 6.4 so that I can pull the desired contacts from the database ?
thank you very much Radim
E-compaingn 6.4 pulls all the emails from Act! contacts using the statement {select * from VRP_CONTACT}
I would like to add WHERE command to the statement using specific column within the ACT! VRP_CONTACT database, the column is called {_news}. I only want to select emails which have True value in the _news column.
I am not able to find the correct syntax for the statement to accomplish the task
I tried WHERE 'VRP_Contact _news='True', 'Contact _news='True' and other variations but still not able to find the correct syntax of the statement.
Is there anyone who can give me general/specific guidance on how to construct this simple SQL statement in general / with e-copmaign 6.4 so that I can pull the desired contacts from the database ?
thank you very much Radim