I can create a 2 dimension array. I tried to create an n dimension array. Is this possible? I did not get an error on creation but got an error when I tried to assign a value. Here is what I tried:
type v_admin_type_record is record(v_index number,
admin_type aps_admin_requirement.admin_type%type);
type v_admin_table is table of v_admin_type_record index by binary_integer;
v_admin v_admin_table;
v_admin_index_table.v_index(1) := 1;
I get the error "v_index must be declared"
Any help will be appreciated.
I can create a 2 dimension array. I tried to create an n dimension array. Is this possible? I did not get an error on creation but got an error when I tried to assign a value. Here is what I tried:
type v_admin_type_record is record(v_index number,
admin_type aps_admin_requirement.admin_type%type);
type v_admin_table is table of v_admin_type_record index by binary_integer;
v_admin v_admin_table;
v_admin_index_table.v_index(1) := 1;
I get the error "v_index must be declared"
Any help will be appreciated.