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How to create EAN 128 with two values in Access

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Jan 31, 2002

I need to create a barcode (EAN 128) from this string:
(Parentheses only for readability.)

I have started with the information found here but don't know how to extend that code to cover EAN 128 and not only Code 128.

I have tried the program that you can download and been able to generate the correct barcode from that one.

But I need to generate the barcode in Access 2000 on a report and somehow add the Functioncode1 before the two separate AI's.

Can anyone help me?
Which program did you download?
Did you contact them for an Access solution?

DougP, MCP, A+
I downloaded the code and made some changes to it.

To use it, copy the code into a new module. Then use the function to code the values. Functioncode1 is coded with the string Fcn1.


Public Function Code128$(ByVal chaine$)
    'V 1.1.0
    'Parameters : a string
    'Return : * a string which give the bar code when it is dispayed with CODE128.TTF font
    '         * an empty string if the supplied parameter is no good
    'This code is from [URL unfurl="true"]http://grandzebu.net/informatique/codbar-en/code128.htm[/URL]
    'I have modified it for EAN 128 use, FCN1 (Function code 1) is coded with the string Fcn1.
    'Markus Larsson 2007-01-23
    Dim i%, checksum&, mini%, dummy%, tableB As Boolean
    Code128$ = ""
    If Len(chaine$) > 0 Then
        'Check for valid characters
        For i% = 1 To Len(chaine$)
            Select Case Asc(Mid$(chaine$, i%, 1))
                Case 32 To 126, 198
                Case Else
                    i% = 0
                    Exit For
            End Select
        'Calculation of the code string with optimized use of tables B and C
        Code128$ = ""
        tableB = True
        If i% > 0 Then
            i% = 1 'i% become the string index
            Do While i% <= Len(chaine$)
                If tableB Then
                    'See if interesting to switch to table C
                    'yes for 4 digits at start or end, else if 6 digits
                    'First we need to test if the first four characters are Fcn1.
                    'In that case we need to check to digits after them for digits.
                    If (Mid$(chaine$, i%, 4) = "Fnc1") Then
                        i% = i% + 4
                        mini% = IIf(i% = 1 Or i% + 3 = Len(chaine$), 4, 6)
          GoSub testnum
                        i% = i% - 4
                        mini% = IIf(i% = 1 Or i% + 3 = Len(chaine$), 4, 6)
          GoSub testnum
                    End If
                    If mini% < 0 Then 'Choice of table C
                        If i% = 1 Then 'Starting with table C
                            Code128$ = Chr$(205)
                        Else 'Switch to table C
                            Code128$ = Code128$ & Chr$(199)
                        End If
                        tableB = False
                        If i% = 1 Then Code128$ = Chr$(204) 'Starting with table B
                    End If
                End If
                If Not tableB Then
                    'We are on table C, first we need to check if there is a functioncode.
                    'then we can try to process 2 digits.
                    If (Mid$(chaine$, i%, 4) = "Fnc1") Then
                        Code128$ = Code128$ & Chr$(202)
                        i% = i% + 4
                        mini% = 2
          GoSub testnum
                        If mini% < 0 Then 'OK for 2 digits, process it
                            dummy% = Val(Mid$(chaine$, i%, 2))
                            dummy% = IIf(dummy% < 95, dummy% + 32, dummy% + 100)
                            Code128$ = Code128$ & Chr$(dummy%)
                            i% = i% + 2
                        Else 'We haven't 2 digits, switch to table B
                            Code128$ = Code128$ & Chr$(200)
                            tableB = True
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
                If tableB Then
                    'Check to see if the following four digits is Fnc1.
                    If (Mid$(chaine$, i%, 4) = "Fnc1") Then
                        Code128$ = Code128$ & Chr$(202)
                        i% = i% + 4
                        'Process 1 digit with table B
                        Code128$ = Code128$ & Mid$(chaine$, i%, 1)
                        i% = i% + 1
                    End If
                End If
            'Calculation of the checksum
            For i% = 1 To Len(Code128$)
                dummy% = Asc(Mid$(Code128$, i%, 1))
                dummy% = IIf(dummy% < 127, dummy% - 32, dummy% - 100)
                If i% = 1 Then checksum& = dummy%
                checksum& = (checksum& + (i% - 1) * dummy%) Mod 103
            'Calculation of the checksum ASCII code
            checksum& = IIf(checksum& < 95, checksum& + 32, checksum& + 100)
            'Add the checksum and the STOP
            Code128$ = Code128$ & Chr$(checksum&) & Chr$(206)
        End If
    End If
    Exit Function
    'if the mini% characters from i% are numeric, then mini%=0
    mini% = mini% - 1
    'If the first four digits are Fcn1, then we shall still start with table C => mini% = -1
    If (Mid$(chaine$, i% + mini%, 4) = "Fcn1") Then
        mini% = -1
    ElseIf i% + mini% <= Len(chaine$) Then
        Do While mini% >= 0
            If Asc(Mid$(chaine$, i% + mini%, 1)) < 48 Or Asc(Mid$(chaine$, i% + mini%, 1)) > 57 Then Exit Do
            mini% = mini% - 1
    End If
End Function
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