We are trying to create an URL that we can pass a username & password in and it will log users into ePortfolio automatically. Has anyone else does this? We would appreciate any help you can offer.
I think you would modify logonform.csp to accept the passed parameters from the URL and load them into the appropriate fields. Or maybe you could go directly to logon.csp.
if windows authentication is useed rather than enterprise it can be done with out a click.
Logon.csp, and I think from memory you pass "" as user name "" as password and the authentication as sec_WindowsNT. The user would not need to touch the keyboard, you just open the page, it logons and redirects on succesfull logon or on failure rediredct to logonform.csp
Do you happen to know what they syntax is for passing the username & password & Authentication? We have tried several ways but nothing seems to work.
You will add script code to read the 4 additional parameters and pass them to the appropriate function, LogOnUser().
Also, the action "LogOnUser" in the URL may not be recognized by the logon.csp script. And, you could easily hard-code the APS and authorization strings if it fits your environment, rather than passing those strings in the URL.
If you're trying to pass the function call in the URL, I don't think it will work, but I could stand to be corrected as I have learned most of what I know about CSP from trial and error.
I got this to work finally. It is not the most secure solution but it works. I made a copy of the logon.csp page and then hard coded in the login I want to use into the default user credentials it uses. I then link to the modified logon.csp page and it logs me in automatically using the logon info I hard coded. I am setting up the hard coded logon to only have access to one folder of reports so it sort of minimizes the security risks.
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