I am new at this vbscript. Please HELP!! Here's what I am trying to do:
I use vbscript to run some SQL code to access the database. I want to put the query result in a file (newly created just as the SQL code is run). I use CreateTextFile to create a file, I can read from and write to that file using objTextStream.read/write methods. But whenever I make a link in html format, (namely, <a href="myFile.txt">), the file is not found.
Here's my code:
'some code to run the SQL code, this part is ok
set rs = cnn.Execute(...) 'rs contains the result
dim oFS
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
dim oTextStream
Set oTextStream = oFS.CreateTextFile("temp.txt"
oTextStream.write rs
'to make sure the file is written:
set oTextStream = oFS.OpenTextFile ("temp.txt"
dim read
read = oTextStream.ReadAll
Response.write read
'at this point, the output is exactly correct
'to make it a downloadable file
<a href="temp.txt">download</a>
But I can never open/download the file.
Any ideas???
I am new at this vbscript. Please HELP!! Here's what I am trying to do:
I use vbscript to run some SQL code to access the database. I want to put the query result in a file (newly created just as the SQL code is run). I use CreateTextFile to create a file, I can read from and write to that file using objTextStream.read/write methods. But whenever I make a link in html format, (namely, <a href="myFile.txt">), the file is not found.
Here's my code:
'some code to run the SQL code, this part is ok
set rs = cnn.Execute(...) 'rs contains the result
dim oFS
Set oFS = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"
dim oTextStream
Set oTextStream = oFS.CreateTextFile("temp.txt"
oTextStream.write rs
'to make sure the file is written:
set oTextStream = oFS.OpenTextFile ("temp.txt"
dim read
read = oTextStream.ReadAll
Response.write read
'at this point, the output is exactly correct
'to make it a downloadable file
<a href="temp.txt">download</a>
But I can never open/download the file.
Any ideas???