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how to create 2 dimension object array 1

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Nov 22, 2003
I need an array of 4 x 6 text boxes, e.g. txtMytext(2,4).
How do I create them?
Not sure if you can do exactly what you want. How about having a row called text1(1) and so on and then text2(2).
Dont know if this is any help
Or you could do some cacluation, if you had an array like below

1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9

Then you could work out 7 is row 3 col 1

Hpe this helps

Place 1 text box on a form.

Now in your code at run time you can make an array of this control using: load txtMyText(txtMyText.count)

Iterate through your array, using for and next loop, and each time you have a variable, add a textbox and place it in it.

Make sure when you create your instance of the textbox, you specify a position, so they don't all end up in the same place, and also ensure you inlclude a visible=true statement.

In the Declaration section of the Form Module:

[tt]Dim txtMytext(3, 5) As TextBox[/tt]

to set up the array.

On the form create a regular array of 24 textboxes (txtDummy(0) to txtDummy(23)

At the end of the Form Load event assign the dummy array to your 2-dimensional array:
For c = 0 To 3
For d = 0 To 5
Set txtMytext(c, d) = txtDummy(d + (6 * c))
Next d
Next c
and you're done!

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'If we're supposed to work in Hex, why have we only got A fingers?'
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