Would you happen to have some ready-made code to do the task in the Subject line?
I copied some code from Google.com but most of them are not working.
Like the following: the bug comes form the statements of "objFILE.Copy objEND": object required...
Dim objFSO
Dim objSTR, objEND, objTYP, objFILE
Dim Folder, SubFolder
objSTR = InputBox("source folder: ")
objEND = inputbox("dest. folder: ")
'For Each objFILE In objFSO.GetFolder(objSTR).Files
' objFILE.Copy objEND
Function srchSUBFOLD(Folder)
For Each SubFolder In Folder.subfolders
For Each objFILE In objFSO.getfolder(SubFolder.Path).Files
objFILE.Copy objEND
End Function
Call srchSUBFOLD(objFSO.getfolder(objSTR))
Would you happen to have some ready-made code to do the task in the Subject line?
I copied some code from Google.com but most of them are not working.
Like the following: the bug comes form the statements of "objFILE.Copy objEND": object required...
Dim objFSO
Dim objSTR, objEND, objTYP, objFILE
Dim Folder, SubFolder
objSTR = InputBox("source folder: ")
objEND = inputbox("dest. folder: ")
'For Each objFILE In objFSO.GetFolder(objSTR).Files
' objFILE.Copy objEND
Function srchSUBFOLD(Folder)
For Each SubFolder In Folder.subfolders
For Each objFILE In objFSO.getfolder(SubFolder.Path).Files
objFILE.Copy objEND
End Function
Call srchSUBFOLD(objFSO.getfolder(objSTR))