Jul 1, 2002 #1 koeicjm Programmer Sep 12, 2001 73 JP there are dictories and files too in a dictory, I want copy them to another dictory , how can I do it ? I try cp -rp src_dir/* dist_dir/ but failed
there are dictories and files too in a dictory, I want copy them to another dictory , how can I do it ? I try cp -rp src_dir/* dist_dir/ but failed
Jul 1, 2002 #2 Shantha Programmer Jun 12, 2002 48 IN Try as cp -r source_dir dest_dir say u want to copy files and subdirectories in temp to another new directory temp1 then cp -r temp temp1 Shantha Upvote 0 Downvote
Try as cp -r source_dir dest_dir say u want to copy files and subdirectories in temp to another new directory temp1 then cp -r temp temp1 Shantha