If you try to copy a link from the new Microsoft Help and Support Services page serch results you get something like this
Which when pasted into a reply can't be read or used (because of the ; (semicolon) I think). If you change the link to the following it will be a link:
Better still when searching for an answer on MS skip the "new, improved, user friendly" tool and go to the old version at
From there results are in the old format and can be copied (right click on article and Copy Shortcut) and pasted into a response.
Example of paste below
You can delete from the paste everything from the first ? to the end the link will be cleaner and still work to the article
The two rules for success are:
1. Never tell them everything you know.
Which when pasted into a reply can't be read or used (because of the ; (semicolon) I think). If you change the link to the following it will be a link:
Better still when searching for an answer on MS skip the "new, improved, user friendly" tool and go to the old version at
From there results are in the old format and can be copied (right click on article and Copy Shortcut) and pasted into a response.
Example of paste below
You can delete from the paste everything from the first ? to the end the link will be cleaner and still work to the article
The two rules for success are:
1. Never tell them everything you know.