I have this VBScript that converts the characters in ANSI code.
I want to do the same thing but by converting it to Unicode and vice versa!
-Is there a function that can make this transformation ? I have no idea about this ,
Thank you for your help !
I want to do the same thing but by converting it to Unicode and vice versa!
-Is there a function that can make this transformation ? I have no idea about this ,
Thank you for your help !
Dim i,x,a
i = InputBox("Entrer un caractére ou une phrase pour obtenir son Code ANSI Correspondant !")
If i <> "" Then
For x = 1 To Len(i)
If x <> Len(i) Then
a = a & "Chr(" & Asc(Mid(i,x,1)) & ")" & "&"
a = a & "Chr(" & Asc(Mid(i,x,1)) & ")"
End if
Inputbox "Le Code ANSI Correspondant pour " & qq(i) & " est:",,a
End If
Function qq(strIn)
qq = Chr(34) & strIn & Chr(34)
End Function