Hello anyone, I have big lambda expression with many lines in vb.net.
It runs perfectly for me and it returns a boolean
When I get true value I am getting the firstElement of this sequence with an if statement. So, instead of any at the end I use .FirstOrDefault.Position which runs perfectly too.
I thought instead of writing this big code two times because it is not very easy readable, to convert the lambda expression to string and execute it but I don't know how to do that.
It's very easy to make it a string and change the last peace from .any to .FirstOrDefault.Position or whatever I need, but lambda expressions are not strings. So, how can I do this conversion? Or is there any way of executing a lambda expression through a string and how? I searched on google but I didn't find anything about vb.net, I found for other programming languages but nothing can work for vb.net. Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you so much in advanced.
It runs perfectly for me and it returns a boolean
CoverLonely = FilteredFreeGts.Select(Function(b) New With {
.Position = b.Position,
.GtsInfo = GtsInfo_,
.ChckFrd = .GtsInfo.FrdIenum.AsEnumerable,
.FrdIenumOfIenum = GtsFltrdIenum.Select(Function(ChckN) New With
{.CrntFrd = ChckN.SelectMany(Function(elm) elm.FRd.Select(Function(elmk) elmk))}.
CrntFrd.Select(Function(CrntFrd) CrntFrd)),
.FrdElement = .GtsInfo.TargetPosition,
.RollInPositions = LonelyGtsInDngr.Select(Function(t) GtsInfo_.Rd.Select(Function(FrdS) FrdS = t.pos _
And FrdS > Dice And
b.Position.stack.Count = 1 And t.stack.Count = 1).Any(Function(r) r)),
.FreeSteps = b.FreeSteps}).
Where(Function(i) i.GtsInfo.FrdDblIenum.Select(Function(iss) iss.Select(Function(js) _
EmptyRdPoint2CrucialArea(js, Dice, True) = False _
And Backgammon.CheckFreePosPc(js)).Count = i.FreeSteps).Any And ' (i.ChckFrd.min >= QuartetLbound And i.ChckFrd.min <= QuartetUbound) And _
i.Position.pos = i.GtsInfo.FrdIenum.Max + Dice And
i.Position.stack.Count = 1 And i.Position.pos <> 0).Any
When I get true value I am getting the firstElement of this sequence with an if statement. So, instead of any at the end I use .FirstOrDefault.Position which runs perfectly too.
I thought instead of writing this big code two times because it is not very easy readable, to convert the lambda expression to string and execute it but I don't know how to do that.
It's very easy to make it a string and change the last peace from .any to .FirstOrDefault.Position or whatever I need, but lambda expressions are not strings. So, how can I do this conversion? Or is there any way of executing a lambda expression through a string and how? I searched on google but I didn't find anything about vb.net, I found for other programming languages but nothing can work for vb.net. Any help will be much appreciated. Thank you so much in advanced.