I thought this might help anyone else who is trying to figure out how to control the source documents of a frameset from a link on another page. I thought originally you would use javascript, but it turns out it's pretty straightforward in asp.
Anyway, you use ASP "QueryString" to do this. In the link that you want to control frames with you put somehing like:
<A HREF="Frames.asp?myVariable1=somepage.html&myVariable2=otherpage.html>myexample</a>
this will pass somepage.html and otherpage.html in the querystring found in the address window to whatever page comes next, in this case "frames.asp"
The trick is to remember the "?" and that means whatever comes after it will be passed in the QueryString.
Then, on frames.asp page, you do something like this for each frame you want to specify the source for:
<frame src="<% Response.Write (Request.QueryString ("myVariable1"
)%>" frameborder="NO" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0" name="frameSide" scrolling="NO" noresize>
How much more water would there be in the ocean if it weren't for sponges?
Anyway, you use ASP "QueryString" to do this. In the link that you want to control frames with you put somehing like:
<A HREF="Frames.asp?myVariable1=somepage.html&myVariable2=otherpage.html>myexample</a>
this will pass somepage.html and otherpage.html in the querystring found in the address window to whatever page comes next, in this case "frames.asp"
The trick is to remember the "?" and that means whatever comes after it will be passed in the QueryString.
Then, on frames.asp page, you do something like this for each frame you want to specify the source for:
<frame src="<% Response.Write (Request.QueryString ("myVariable1"
How much more water would there be in the ocean if it weren't for sponges?