- Mar 5, 2009
- 4
I'm programming a running journal vb6 database program and what to use MS Chart along other forms. I used the Data Form Wizard for the MS Chart...ADO code.
Chart Style: 2D Bar
My database is: running2009.mdb
I want to use App.path & "\running2009.mdb" to open the database so the program can be used on other computers (I'm a track coach and making it for my runners).
When I amend the code, used by the Wizard, I can't get the chart to display correctly.
Can someone help?
Below is the code used by the Data Wizard:
Option Explicit
Private Const MARGIN_SIZE = 60 'In Twips
Private Const SHAPE_COMMAND = "SHAPE {select Date,Distance from february2009 Order by Date} AS ChildCommand COMPUTE ChildCommand, SUM(ChildCommand.[Distance]) AS [Distance] BY [Date]"
Private Const CONNECT_STRING = "PROVIDER=MSDataShape;Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\HomeComputer\Desktop\CurrentProject\running2009.mdb;Data Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
Private Const FIELD_X = "Date"
Private Const FIELD_Y = "Distance"
Private Const FIELD_Z = ""
Private Const MARKERS_VISIBLE = 0
Private Const BRACKET_LEFT = "["
Private Const BRACKET_RIGHT = "]"
Private Const SPACE_CHAR = " "
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
'Purpose: Display an error message to the user
' [oError]
' Error object containing error information
Private Sub DisplayError(oError As ErrObject)
MsgBox oError.Description, vbExclamation, App.Title
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim conShape As ADODB.Connection
Dim recShape As ADODB.Recordset
On Error GoTo Form_Load_Error
'Create and open connection to the Data Shape provider
Set conShape = New ADODB.Connection
'Create and open a recordset
Set recShape = New ADODB.Recordset
recShape.Open SHAPE_COMMAND, conShape
'Fill the chart with the recordset data
ShowRecordsInChart recShape, FIELD_X, FIELD_Y, FIELD_Z
'Show or hide markers
Exit Sub
DisplayError Err
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
Dim sngButtonTop As Single
Dim sngScaleWidth As Single
Dim sngScaleHeight As Single
On Error GoTo Form_Resize_Error
With Me
sngScaleWidth = .ScaleWidth
sngScaleHeight = .ScaleHeight
'Move Close button to the lower right corner
With .cmdClose
sngButtonTop = sngScaleHeight - (.Height + MARGIN_SIZE)
.Move sngScaleWidth - (.Width + MARGIN_SIZE), sngButtonTop
End With
.chtReport.Move MARGIN_SIZE, _
sngScaleWidth - (2 * MARGIN_SIZE), _
sngButtonTop - (2 * MARGIN_SIZE)
End With
Exit Sub
'An error will occur if the user sizes
'the form so small that negative heights
'or widths are calculated
Resume Next
End Sub
'Purpose: Determines if the passed key is being used in the
' passed collection.
' [cCol] The collection to check for key use in.
' [sKey] The key to look for.
'Return: If the key is being used by the collection, true
' is returned. Otherwise, false is returned.
Private Function IsKeyInCollection(cCol As Collection, sKey As String) As Boolean
Dim v As Variant
On Error Resume Next
v = cCol.Item(sKey)
'It is important to check for error 5, rather than checking for
'any error, because an error could occur even if the key is valid.
'If the key existed, but it was associated with an element that
'was an object, an error would occur because 'Set' wasn't used
'to assign it to 'v'.
IsKeyInCollection = (Err.Number <> VBERR_INVALID_PROCEDURE_CALL)
End Function
'Purpose: Shows or Hides series markers, according to the
' parameter.
' [bShow] If true, all the series markers will be shown.
' Otherwise, all the series markers will be hidden.
Private Sub ShowMarkers(bShow As Boolean)
Dim i As Long
On Error GoTo ShowMarkers_Click_Error
With chtReport.Plot
For i = 1 To .SeriesCollection.Count
.SeriesCollection(i).SeriesMarker.Show = bShow
End With
Exit Sub
DisplayError Err
Exit Sub
End Sub
'Purpose: Displays the data summarized in the passed recordset
' in the Chart.
' [recParent]
' A recordset created using a Shape command, that
' groups by one or two fields, and summarizes one.
' [sFldX]
' The name of the field to group by on the X axis.
' [sFldY]
' The name of the field to summarize on the Y axis.
' [sFldZ]
' The name of the field to group by on the Z axis. This
' field should be a zero length string, if the recordset
' only groups by one field.
Private Sub ShowRecordsInChart(recParent As Recordset, _
sFldX As String, _
sFldY As String, _
sFldZ As String)
Dim bUseZ As Boolean
Dim cRows As Collection
Dim cCols As Collection
Dim lCol As Long
Dim lRow As Long
Dim lMaxCol As Long
Dim lMaxRow As Long
Dim sValue As String
On Error GoTo ShowRecordsInChart_Error
If Len(sFldZ) = 0 Then bUseZ = False Else bUseZ = True
Set cRows = New Collection
Set cCols = New Collection
With Me.chtReport
'Turn off chart painting
.Repaint = False
With .DataGrid
'Clear the chart
.DeleteRows 1, .RowCount
.DeleteColumns 1, .ColumnCount
.DeleteColumnLabels 1, .ColumnLabelCount
.DeleteRowLabels 1, .RowLabelCount
'Make sure there is one level of labels
.InsertColumnLabels 1, 1
.InsertRowLabels 1, 1
'If the Z axis is not being used, make
'sure there is one column
If Not bUseZ Then .InsertColumns 1, 1
Do Until recParent.EOF
'Make sure a row is added for this X field
sValue = FixNull(recParent.Fields(sFldX).Value, False)
If Not IsKeyInCollection(cRows, sValue) Then
lMaxRow = lMaxRow + 1
lRow = lMaxRow
'Store the row index associated with
'the Row name
cRows.Add lRow, sValue
.InsertRows lRow, 1
.RowLabel(lRow, 1) = sValue
lRow = cRows.Item(sValue)
End If
'Make sure a column is added for this Z field
If bUseZ Then
sValue = FixNull(recParent.Fields(sFldZ).Value, False)
If Not IsKeyInCollection(cCols, sValue) Then
lMaxCol = lMaxCol + 1
lCol = lMaxCol
'Store the column index associated with
'the column name
cCols.Add lCol, sValue
.InsertColumns lCol, 1
.ColumnLabel(lCol, 1) = sValue
lCol = cCols.Item(sValue)
End If
'Set the datapoint value for this record's row and column
.SetData lRow, lCol, FixNull(recParent.Fields.Item(sFldY).Value, True), 0
'Set the datapoint value for this record's row
'There is only one column in this case
.SetData lRow, 1, FixNull(recParent.Fields.Item(sFldY).Value, True), 0
End If
'Move the recordset to the next record
End With
'Turn painting back on
.Repaint = True
End With
Exit Sub
'Make sure the charts painting is turned back on
Me.chtReport.Repaint = True
DisplayError Err
Exit Sub
End Sub
'Purpose: Checks a variant value for null. If the value is null, returns
' a vbNullString or a zero.
' [vField]
' The variant to check for null.
' [bNumericRequired]
' If true, return 0 if the variant is null. Otherwise, return
' vbNullString.
Private Function FixNull(vField As Variant, _
bNumericRequired As Boolean) As Variant
If IsNull(vField) Then
If bNumericRequired Then
FixNull = 0
FixNull = vbNullString
End If
FixNull = vField
End If
End Function
Chart Style: 2D Bar
My database is: running2009.mdb
I want to use App.path & "\running2009.mdb" to open the database so the program can be used on other computers (I'm a track coach and making it for my runners).
When I amend the code, used by the Wizard, I can't get the chart to display correctly.
Can someone help?
Below is the code used by the Data Wizard:
Option Explicit
Private Const MARGIN_SIZE = 60 'In Twips
Private Const SHAPE_COMMAND = "SHAPE {select Date,Distance from february2009 Order by Date} AS ChildCommand COMPUTE ChildCommand, SUM(ChildCommand.[Distance]) AS [Distance] BY [Date]"
Private Const CONNECT_STRING = "PROVIDER=MSDataShape;Data Source=C:\Documents and Settings\HomeComputer\Desktop\CurrentProject\running2009.mdb;Data Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
Private Const FIELD_X = "Date"
Private Const FIELD_Y = "Distance"
Private Const FIELD_Z = ""
Private Const MARKERS_VISIBLE = 0
Private Const BRACKET_LEFT = "["
Private Const BRACKET_RIGHT = "]"
Private Const SPACE_CHAR = " "
Private Sub cmdClose_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
'Purpose: Display an error message to the user
' [oError]
' Error object containing error information
Private Sub DisplayError(oError As ErrObject)
MsgBox oError.Description, vbExclamation, App.Title
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim conShape As ADODB.Connection
Dim recShape As ADODB.Recordset
On Error GoTo Form_Load_Error
'Create and open connection to the Data Shape provider
Set conShape = New ADODB.Connection
'Create and open a recordset
Set recShape = New ADODB.Recordset
recShape.Open SHAPE_COMMAND, conShape
'Fill the chart with the recordset data
ShowRecordsInChart recShape, FIELD_X, FIELD_Y, FIELD_Z
'Show or hide markers
Exit Sub
DisplayError Err
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Resize()
Dim sngButtonTop As Single
Dim sngScaleWidth As Single
Dim sngScaleHeight As Single
On Error GoTo Form_Resize_Error
With Me
sngScaleWidth = .ScaleWidth
sngScaleHeight = .ScaleHeight
'Move Close button to the lower right corner
With .cmdClose
sngButtonTop = sngScaleHeight - (.Height + MARGIN_SIZE)
.Move sngScaleWidth - (.Width + MARGIN_SIZE), sngButtonTop
End With
.chtReport.Move MARGIN_SIZE, _
sngScaleWidth - (2 * MARGIN_SIZE), _
sngButtonTop - (2 * MARGIN_SIZE)
End With
Exit Sub
'An error will occur if the user sizes
'the form so small that negative heights
'or widths are calculated
Resume Next
End Sub
'Purpose: Determines if the passed key is being used in the
' passed collection.
' [cCol] The collection to check for key use in.
' [sKey] The key to look for.
'Return: If the key is being used by the collection, true
' is returned. Otherwise, false is returned.
Private Function IsKeyInCollection(cCol As Collection, sKey As String) As Boolean
Dim v As Variant
On Error Resume Next
v = cCol.Item(sKey)
'It is important to check for error 5, rather than checking for
'any error, because an error could occur even if the key is valid.
'If the key existed, but it was associated with an element that
'was an object, an error would occur because 'Set' wasn't used
'to assign it to 'v'.
IsKeyInCollection = (Err.Number <> VBERR_INVALID_PROCEDURE_CALL)
End Function
'Purpose: Shows or Hides series markers, according to the
' parameter.
' [bShow] If true, all the series markers will be shown.
' Otherwise, all the series markers will be hidden.
Private Sub ShowMarkers(bShow As Boolean)
Dim i As Long
On Error GoTo ShowMarkers_Click_Error
With chtReport.Plot
For i = 1 To .SeriesCollection.Count
.SeriesCollection(i).SeriesMarker.Show = bShow
End With
Exit Sub
DisplayError Err
Exit Sub
End Sub
'Purpose: Displays the data summarized in the passed recordset
' in the Chart.
' [recParent]
' A recordset created using a Shape command, that
' groups by one or two fields, and summarizes one.
' [sFldX]
' The name of the field to group by on the X axis.
' [sFldY]
' The name of the field to summarize on the Y axis.
' [sFldZ]
' The name of the field to group by on the Z axis. This
' field should be a zero length string, if the recordset
' only groups by one field.
Private Sub ShowRecordsInChart(recParent As Recordset, _
sFldX As String, _
sFldY As String, _
sFldZ As String)
Dim bUseZ As Boolean
Dim cRows As Collection
Dim cCols As Collection
Dim lCol As Long
Dim lRow As Long
Dim lMaxCol As Long
Dim lMaxRow As Long
Dim sValue As String
On Error GoTo ShowRecordsInChart_Error
If Len(sFldZ) = 0 Then bUseZ = False Else bUseZ = True
Set cRows = New Collection
Set cCols = New Collection
With Me.chtReport
'Turn off chart painting
.Repaint = False
With .DataGrid
'Clear the chart
.DeleteRows 1, .RowCount
.DeleteColumns 1, .ColumnCount
.DeleteColumnLabels 1, .ColumnLabelCount
.DeleteRowLabels 1, .RowLabelCount
'Make sure there is one level of labels
.InsertColumnLabels 1, 1
.InsertRowLabels 1, 1
'If the Z axis is not being used, make
'sure there is one column
If Not bUseZ Then .InsertColumns 1, 1
Do Until recParent.EOF
'Make sure a row is added for this X field
sValue = FixNull(recParent.Fields(sFldX).Value, False)
If Not IsKeyInCollection(cRows, sValue) Then
lMaxRow = lMaxRow + 1
lRow = lMaxRow
'Store the row index associated with
'the Row name
cRows.Add lRow, sValue
.InsertRows lRow, 1
.RowLabel(lRow, 1) = sValue
lRow = cRows.Item(sValue)
End If
'Make sure a column is added for this Z field
If bUseZ Then
sValue = FixNull(recParent.Fields(sFldZ).Value, False)
If Not IsKeyInCollection(cCols, sValue) Then
lMaxCol = lMaxCol + 1
lCol = lMaxCol
'Store the column index associated with
'the column name
cCols.Add lCol, sValue
.InsertColumns lCol, 1
.ColumnLabel(lCol, 1) = sValue
lCol = cCols.Item(sValue)
End If
'Set the datapoint value for this record's row and column
.SetData lRow, lCol, FixNull(recParent.Fields.Item(sFldY).Value, True), 0
'Set the datapoint value for this record's row
'There is only one column in this case
.SetData lRow, 1, FixNull(recParent.Fields.Item(sFldY).Value, True), 0
End If
'Move the recordset to the next record
End With
'Turn painting back on
.Repaint = True
End With
Exit Sub
'Make sure the charts painting is turned back on
Me.chtReport.Repaint = True
DisplayError Err
Exit Sub
End Sub
'Purpose: Checks a variant value for null. If the value is null, returns
' a vbNullString or a zero.
' [vField]
' The variant to check for null.
' [bNumericRequired]
' If true, return 0 if the variant is null. Otherwise, return
' vbNullString.
Private Function FixNull(vField As Variant, _
bNumericRequired As Boolean) As Variant
If IsNull(vField) Then
If bNumericRequired Then
FixNull = 0
FixNull = vbNullString
End If
FixNull = vField
End If
End Function