Hi Iam new With Perl i would like to know who to connect a any database with perl and what is the way to create a perl.pm file like when we create a class in java which is like i have a code in java where i create a business class . i want to create a same class in perl
package Project_Race;
* Author Muhammad Butt
* File Name : Participant
* FileTYpe : Business Class
* Purpose : This java file will be used to store the data of
* participants like name , finnishing time.
import java.util.Date;
public class Participant {
* Declaring the variables which are going to be
* use when displaying the data to the jsp
* and it will also store the data coming from a database by
* the help of participantsDAO
int participant_number ;
String Firstname ;
String Lastname ;
Date Finnishing_time;
int place;
* @return the place
public int getPlace() {
return place;
* @param place the place to set
public void setPlace(int place) {
this.place = place;
* @return the finnishing_time
public Date getFinnishing_time() {
return Finnishing_time;
* @param finnishing_time the finnishing_time to set
public void setFinnishing_time(Date finnishing_time) {
Finnishing_time = finnishing_time;
* @return the firstname
public String getFirstname() {
return Firstname;
* @param firstname the firstname to set
public void setFirstname(String firstname) {
Firstname = firstname;
* @return the lastname
public String getLastname() {
return Lastname;
* @param lastname the lastname to set
public void setLastname(String lastname) {
Lastname = lastname;
* @return the participant_number
public int getParticipant_number() {
return participant_number;
* @param participant_number the participant_number to set
public void setParticipant_number(int participant_number) {
this.participant_number = participant_number;
* This method will display all the information
* available of participants
public String toString()
return (participant_number+" "+Firstname+" "+Lastname+" "+Finnishing_time);
and One more thing i want to know how to create a DatabaseConnection class which connects the database and select or insert if u have some kind of sample class then please Show me .i have one in java .
Code :
package Project_Race;
import java.sql.* ;
import java.util.* ;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class ParticipantsDAO {
// this is for using : oracleprivate final String jdbcDriverName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" ;
private final String jdbcDriverName = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" ;
private final String connectionString = "jdbcdbc:atk84f_DB" ;
private boolean jdbcDriverLoaded = false ;
private Connection c;
* This metho will create a connection every time when this class instance will be created
* method name: doconnection
* @return
* @throws Exception
public Connection doConnection()
throws Exception
if(jdbcDriverLoaded ==false)
{ c=DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString);
}catch(Exception e)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Error-010\nDatabase is not connected","Insert",
return c;
* This method will fatch the data of all the participants
* and store it in participants business class
* @return
* @throws Exception
* method : getPList
public Vector getPList ()
throws Exception
Statement statement ;
ResultSet resultSet ;
String q_text="";
Participant participant;
Vector <Participant> myVector = new Vector <Participant> () ;
// 2) Create a statement object for executing SQL
statement = doConnection().createStatement () ;
// 3) Execute SQL
resultSet = statement.executeQuery (q_text) ;
while (resultSet.next())
participant = new Participant();
participant.setFirstname(resultSet.getString ("FIRSTNAME"));
participant.setLastname(resultSet.getString ("LASTNAME"));
myVector.add (participant) ;
resultSet.close () ;
// 4) Close the statement
statement.close () ;
// 5) Close the database connection
doConnection().close () ;
return (myVector) ; // Return the data...
catch(SQLException sqle)
printSQLException (sqle, q_text) ;
throw sqle ;
}//end PLIST
/**This method will fatch the data of all the participants
* who have finnished the race and store it in participants business class
* @return
* @throws Exception
* method : PFList
public Vector getPFList ()
throws Exception
Statement statement ;
ResultSet resultSet ;
String q_text="";
Participant participant;
Vector <Participant> myVector = new Vector <Participant> () ;
// 2) Create a statement object for executing SQL
statement = doConnection().createStatement () ;
// 3) Execute SQL
q_text = "SELECT participantnumber,FirstName,LastName,FinnishingTime FROM RACE where FinnishingTime is not null order by FinnishingTime";
resultSet = statement.executeQuery (q_text) ;
int place = 0;
while (resultSet.next())
participant = new Participant();
participant.setFirstname(resultSet.getString ("FirstName"));
participant.setLastname(resultSet.getString ("LastName"));
myVector.add (participant);
resultSet.close () ;
// 4) Close the statement
statement.close () ;
// 5) Close the database connection
doConnection().close () ;
return (myVector) ; // Return the data...
catch(SQLException sqle)
printSQLException (sqle, q_text) ;
throw sqle ;
}//end PFLIST
* This method will be used for Update Participants database
* and take the data of participants in the form of parameters
* and these paramers will be used to update the database
public void UpdateParticipant(
int participant_number,String Firstname,
String Lastname,
String Finnishing_time)
Connection con;
Statement statement;
String sql;
sql = "";
{ con = doConnection() ;
statement = con.createStatement();
sql = "INSERT INTO RACE (Participantnumber,Firstname,Lastname,Finnishingtime)values ('"+participant_number+"','"+Firstname+"','"+Lastname+"','"+Finnishing_time+"')";
int query = statement.executeUpdate(sql) ;
if (query ==0)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Data is not inserted","Error",
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Data is Inserted","Insert",
// 4) Close the statement
statement.close () ;
// 5) Close the database connection
}catch(Exception e)
String searchError = e.getMessage();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,searchError,"Insert Error",
}//UpdateParticipants End
/** ******************************************************************
* loadDriver
******************************************************************** */
public void loadDriver () throws Exception
Class.forName (jdbcDriverName) ; // Load the JDBC driver
jdbcDriverLoaded = true ;
catch (Exception e) // Exception handler
System.out.println ("********** JDBC ERROR ***********") ;
System.out.println ("Source : ParticipantsDAO.java") ;
System.out.println ("Message: Could not load the JDBC driver " +
jdbcDriverName) ;
throw e ; // Throw the exception again...
/** ******************************************************************
* printSQLException
******************************************************************** */
private void printSQLException (SQLException sqle, String q_text)
System.out.println ("********** SQL ERROR ************") ;
System.out.println ("Source : ParticipantsDAO.java") ;
System.out.println ("SQL text : " + q_text) ;
System.out.println ("Exception: " + sqle) ;
package Project_Race;
* Author Muhammad Butt
* File Name : Participant
* FileTYpe : Business Class
* Purpose : This java file will be used to store the data of
* participants like name , finnishing time.
import java.util.Date;
public class Participant {
* Declaring the variables which are going to be
* use when displaying the data to the jsp
* and it will also store the data coming from a database by
* the help of participantsDAO
int participant_number ;
String Firstname ;
String Lastname ;
Date Finnishing_time;
int place;
* @return the place
public int getPlace() {
return place;
* @param place the place to set
public void setPlace(int place) {
this.place = place;
* @return the finnishing_time
public Date getFinnishing_time() {
return Finnishing_time;
* @param finnishing_time the finnishing_time to set
public void setFinnishing_time(Date finnishing_time) {
Finnishing_time = finnishing_time;
* @return the firstname
public String getFirstname() {
return Firstname;
* @param firstname the firstname to set
public void setFirstname(String firstname) {
Firstname = firstname;
* @return the lastname
public String getLastname() {
return Lastname;
* @param lastname the lastname to set
public void setLastname(String lastname) {
Lastname = lastname;
* @return the participant_number
public int getParticipant_number() {
return participant_number;
* @param participant_number the participant_number to set
public void setParticipant_number(int participant_number) {
this.participant_number = participant_number;
* This method will display all the information
* available of participants
public String toString()
return (participant_number+" "+Firstname+" "+Lastname+" "+Finnishing_time);
and One more thing i want to know how to create a DatabaseConnection class which connects the database and select or insert if u have some kind of sample class then please Show me .i have one in java .
Code :
package Project_Race;
import java.sql.* ;
import java.util.* ;
import java.util.Date;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class ParticipantsDAO {
// this is for using : oracleprivate final String jdbcDriverName = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" ;
private final String jdbcDriverName = "sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver" ;
private final String connectionString = "jdbcdbc:atk84f_DB" ;
private boolean jdbcDriverLoaded = false ;
private Connection c;
* This metho will create a connection every time when this class instance will be created
* method name: doconnection
* @return
* @throws Exception
public Connection doConnection()
throws Exception
if(jdbcDriverLoaded ==false)
{ c=DriverManager.getConnection(connectionString);
}catch(Exception e)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Error-010\nDatabase is not connected","Insert",
return c;
* This method will fatch the data of all the participants
* and store it in participants business class
* @return
* @throws Exception
* method : getPList
public Vector getPList ()
throws Exception
Statement statement ;
ResultSet resultSet ;
String q_text="";
Participant participant;
Vector <Participant> myVector = new Vector <Participant> () ;
// 2) Create a statement object for executing SQL
statement = doConnection().createStatement () ;
// 3) Execute SQL
resultSet = statement.executeQuery (q_text) ;
while (resultSet.next())
participant = new Participant();
participant.setFirstname(resultSet.getString ("FIRSTNAME"));
participant.setLastname(resultSet.getString ("LASTNAME"));
myVector.add (participant) ;
resultSet.close () ;
// 4) Close the statement
statement.close () ;
// 5) Close the database connection
doConnection().close () ;
return (myVector) ; // Return the data...
catch(SQLException sqle)
printSQLException (sqle, q_text) ;
throw sqle ;
}//end PLIST
/**This method will fatch the data of all the participants
* who have finnished the race and store it in participants business class
* @return
* @throws Exception
* method : PFList
public Vector getPFList ()
throws Exception
Statement statement ;
ResultSet resultSet ;
String q_text="";
Participant participant;
Vector <Participant> myVector = new Vector <Participant> () ;
// 2) Create a statement object for executing SQL
statement = doConnection().createStatement () ;
// 3) Execute SQL
q_text = "SELECT participantnumber,FirstName,LastName,FinnishingTime FROM RACE where FinnishingTime is not null order by FinnishingTime";
resultSet = statement.executeQuery (q_text) ;
int place = 0;
while (resultSet.next())
participant = new Participant();
participant.setFirstname(resultSet.getString ("FirstName"));
participant.setLastname(resultSet.getString ("LastName"));
myVector.add (participant);
resultSet.close () ;
// 4) Close the statement
statement.close () ;
// 5) Close the database connection
doConnection().close () ;
return (myVector) ; // Return the data...
catch(SQLException sqle)
printSQLException (sqle, q_text) ;
throw sqle ;
}//end PFLIST
* This method will be used for Update Participants database
* and take the data of participants in the form of parameters
* and these paramers will be used to update the database
public void UpdateParticipant(
int participant_number,String Firstname,
String Lastname,
String Finnishing_time)
Connection con;
Statement statement;
String sql;
sql = "";
{ con = doConnection() ;
statement = con.createStatement();
sql = "INSERT INTO RACE (Participantnumber,Firstname,Lastname,Finnishingtime)values ('"+participant_number+"','"+Firstname+"','"+Lastname+"','"+Finnishing_time+"')";
int query = statement.executeUpdate(sql) ;
if (query ==0)
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Data is not inserted","Error",
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Data is Inserted","Insert",
// 4) Close the statement
statement.close () ;
// 5) Close the database connection
}catch(Exception e)
String searchError = e.getMessage();
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,searchError,"Insert Error",
}//UpdateParticipants End
/** ******************************************************************
* loadDriver
******************************************************************** */
public void loadDriver () throws Exception
Class.forName (jdbcDriverName) ; // Load the JDBC driver
jdbcDriverLoaded = true ;
catch (Exception e) // Exception handler
System.out.println ("********** JDBC ERROR ***********") ;
System.out.println ("Source : ParticipantsDAO.java") ;
System.out.println ("Message: Could not load the JDBC driver " +
jdbcDriverName) ;
throw e ; // Throw the exception again...
/** ******************************************************************
* printSQLException
******************************************************************** */
private void printSQLException (SQLException sqle, String q_text)
System.out.println ("********** SQL ERROR ************") ;
System.out.println ("Source : ParticipantsDAO.java") ;
System.out.println ("SQL text : " + q_text) ;
System.out.println ("Exception: " + sqle) ;