Please could any tell me how to connect 3 PC's using the IP address's, so that me and friends could play games against each other, without the usual regmoral of going through Lobbies or specified servers.<br><br>Thank you, any help is gratefully recieved!!
what kind of OS are you using? If they are windows based OS, just install NetBeui protocal, no need TCP/IP, so no need to set IP address lah.<br>Or if you still want to set the ips, specify them in the same network, say,, and the subnetmask is
No matter what, you need tcp/ip to plan against each other. Most games today use tcp/ip or ipx to communicate, but go with tcp/ip. Is this for your home, then you need a hub, 3 nics, 3 cat5 cables. [sig][/sig]
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