We have an P8 with a VIOS server and a bunch of AIX7.2 LPars.
Physically this P8 has 8 ehternet ports, corresponding to ent0-ent7, I assume.
On HMC I created one virtual Ethernet adapter with Port Ethernet (VLAN) ID: 1, shown in VIOS as ent8, and then
$ mkvdev -sea ent0 -vadapter ent8 -default ent8 -defaultid 1
ent9 is Available
All AIX Lpars share this SEA and work fine!
Now I want to add a 2nd SEA for a dedicated backup network. what is the simplest way?
Here is what I did!
1. I plug in the backup network cable to P8's the 4th physical port, which, I assume, should correspond ent3 in VIOS server.
Is there anyway to confirm that or to check which physical port is cabled or link up?
2. On HMC I created the 2nd virtual Ethernet adapter with VLAN ID 2, which correspond to ent10 in VIOS Server.
3. I am confused with the syntax of
mkvdev -sea target_device -vadapter virtual_ethernet_adapters -default DefaultVirtualEthernetAdapter -defaultid SEADefaultPVID
My understanding is that DefaultVirtualEthernetAdapter is used to handle all untagged packets, which in my case should be ent8, corresponding to the first the first Virtual Ethernet Adapter I created in HMC.
$ mkvdev -sea ent3 -vadapter ent10 -default ent8 -defaultid 2
The command's response was not recognized. This may or may not indicate a problem.
Command did not complete.
What went wrong?
Anyway, I just want to created another SEA for dedicated backup network. What is the right procedure?
Thanks for all suggestions and advice.
We have an P8 with a VIOS server and a bunch of AIX7.2 LPars.
Physically this P8 has 8 ehternet ports, corresponding to ent0-ent7, I assume.
On HMC I created one virtual Ethernet adapter with Port Ethernet (VLAN) ID: 1, shown in VIOS as ent8, and then
$ mkvdev -sea ent0 -vadapter ent8 -default ent8 -defaultid 1
ent9 is Available
All AIX Lpars share this SEA and work fine!
Now I want to add a 2nd SEA for a dedicated backup network. what is the simplest way?
Here is what I did!
1. I plug in the backup network cable to P8's the 4th physical port, which, I assume, should correspond ent3 in VIOS server.
Is there anyway to confirm that or to check which physical port is cabled or link up?
2. On HMC I created the 2nd virtual Ethernet adapter with VLAN ID 2, which correspond to ent10 in VIOS Server.
3. I am confused with the syntax of
mkvdev -sea target_device -vadapter virtual_ethernet_adapters -default DefaultVirtualEthernetAdapter -defaultid SEADefaultPVID
My understanding is that DefaultVirtualEthernetAdapter is used to handle all untagged packets, which in my case should be ent8, corresponding to the first the first Virtual Ethernet Adapter I created in HMC.
$ mkvdev -sea ent3 -vadapter ent10 -default ent8 -defaultid 2
The command's response was not recognized. This may or may not indicate a problem.
Command did not complete.
What went wrong?
Anyway, I just want to created another SEA for dedicated backup network. What is the right procedure?
Thanks for all suggestions and advice.