OK, I'm a novice at this too - sorry. I have a system that's lost all it's data - the backups are no good either. My only chance is a data backup that was taken to an external/removeable hard drive on a nightly basis.
I know I need to mount this, but when I go into SCOADMIN I'm only given the floppy or cd drive as an option.
What do I need to do ?
I ran an hwconfig and output it to a file without the hard drive connected and then ran it again after a shutdown and reboot with the hard drive connected and hoped the diff would show me what I needed to know, but it didn't.
I think I'm way off track now ...........
Sorry, but I'm really stuffed now, any help would be great - thanks
I know I need to mount this, but when I go into SCOADMIN I'm only given the floppy or cd drive as an option.
What do I need to do ?
I ran an hwconfig and output it to a file without the hard drive connected and then ran it again after a shutdown and reboot with the hard drive connected and hoped the diff would show me what I needed to know, but it didn't.
I think I'm way off track now ...........
Sorry, but I'm really stuffed now, any help would be great - thanks