I recently took over as backup admin. I had to redo alot of the work, it didn't work well to begin with. The problem I am having is that some tapes will display 1234mb Full
These are sony SDX2-50C 50/100 tapes. I can barely get any to get to 50 gigs. I think the problem is that they had data on them and was set to expire 80 million years from now. Volumes have been deleted, clients reset and tapes relabeled. They are bar code so they get the same name. Its as if there is 'unknown' data on the tapes, and it allows some info to be written to it, then says full. Nothing I have done will fix this. Legato's answer is Install current version. I did that, nothing changed. Please help.
These are sony SDX2-50C 50/100 tapes. I can barely get any to get to 50 gigs. I think the problem is that they had data on them and was set to expire 80 million years from now. Volumes have been deleted, clients reset and tapes relabeled. They are bar code so they get the same name. Its as if there is 'unknown' data on the tapes, and it allows some info to be written to it, then says full. Nothing I have done will fix this. Legato's answer is Install current version. I did that, nothing changed. Please help.