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How to compare Tools | Options from various machines

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Technical User
Nov 11, 2006
How to compare Tools | Options from various machines.

We are upgrading from Office 2003 to office 2010. One office has turned on some Word Tools | Options and the other office turned on other Tools | Optinos. We want all offices to use the same options. How can I compare both? Is there a registry key or program or VBA code that I can run that will list all the optinos in Word Tools | Options, so that the comparison is easier than doing screenshots and writing down every option?

I recorded all the options I want and keep these macros in case I want to be sure that they are applied.
Private Sub NoAutoCorrect() 'MH 08.12.10
'schaltet alle Autokorrektur-Optionen ab
  Application.DisplayAutoCompleteTips = False
  With AutoCorrect
    .CorrectInitialCaps = False
    .CorrectSentenceCaps = False
    .CorrectDays = False
    .CorrectCapsLock = False
    .ReplaceText = False
    .ReplaceTextFromSpellingChecker = False '**
    .CorrectKeyboardSetting = False
    .DisplayAutoCorrectOptions = False
    .CorrectTableCells = False
  End With 'AutoCorrect
  With Options
    .TabIndentKey = False
    .LabelSmartTags = False
    .DisplaySmartTagButtons = False
    .AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyHeadings = False
    .AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBorders = False
    .AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyBulletedLists = False
    .AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyNumberedLists = False
    .AutoFormatAsYouTypeApplyTables = False
    .AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceQuotes = False
    .AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceSymbols = False
    .AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceOrdinals = False
    .AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceFractions = False
    .AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplacePlainTextEmphasis = False
    .AutoFormatAsYouTypeReplaceHyperlinks = False
    .AutoFormatAsYouTypeFormatListItemBeginning = False
    .AutoFormatAsYouTypeDefineStyles = False
    .AutoFormatApplyHeadings = False
    .AutoFormatApplyLists = False
    .AutoFormatApplyBulletedLists = False
    .AutoFormatApplyOtherParas = False
    .AutoFormatReplaceQuotes = False
    .AutoFormatReplaceSymbols = False
    .AutoFormatReplaceOrdinals = False
    .AutoFormatReplaceFractions = False
    .AutoFormatReplacePlainTextEmphasis = False
    .AutoFormatReplaceHyperlinks = False
    .AutoFormatPreserveStyles = False
    .AutoFormatPlainTextWordMail = False
  End With 'Options
End Sub 'NoAutoCorrect
Sub NormalOptions() 'MH 14.12.10
'speichert die Anpassungen unter Extras - Optionen, weil XP die immer wieder vergißt
On Error Resume Next 'damit Ulrike sich nicht wundert
  With Application
    .DisplayStatusBar = True
    .ShowWindowsInTaskbar = False
    .ShowStartupDialog = False
    .DefaultSaveFormat = ""
    .DisplayRecentFiles = True
    .UserName = "xxx"
    .UserInitials = "MH"
    .UserAddress = "yyy" & Chr(10) & "zzz"
    .RecentFiles.Maximum = 9
    .Languages(1031).SpellingDictionaryType = 0 '1031=wdGerman,0=wdSpelling
    With CustomDictionaries
      .Add("C:\Users\z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Proof\BENUTZER.DIC").LanguageSpecific = False 'Benutzerwörterbuch
      .Add("C:\Users\z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Proof\MSSP3GEP.EXC").LanguageSpecific = False 'Ausnahmewörterbuch
      .ActiveCustomDictionary = CustomDictionaries.Item("C:\Users\z\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Proof\BENUTZER.DIC")
    End With 'CustomDictionaries
  End With 'Application
  With ActiveDocument
    .ReadOnlyRecommended = False
    .EmbedTrueTypeFonts = False
    .SaveFormsData = False
    .SaveSubsetFonts = False
    .DoNotEmbedSystemFonts = False
    .Password = ""
    .WritePassword = ""
    .DisableFeatures = False
    .EmbedSmartTags = False
    .SmartTagsAsXMLProps = False
    .EmbedLinguisticData = False
    .PrintPostScriptOverText = False
    .PrintFormsData = False
    .ClickAndTypeParagraphStyle = "Standard"
    .ShowGrammaticalErrors = True
    .ShowSpellingErrors = True
  End With 'ActiveDocument
  With Options
    .Pagination = True
    .WPHelp = False
    .WPDocNavKeys = False
    .ShortMenuNames = False
    .RTFInClipboard = True
    .BlueScreen = False
    .EnableSound = False
    .ConfirmConversions = False
    .UpdateLinksAtOpen = True
    .SendMailAttach = True
    .MeasurementUnit = 1 'wdCentimeters
    .AllowPixelUnits = False
    .AnimateScreenMovements = False '**
    .VirusProtection = False
    .ApplyFarEastFontsToAscii = False
    .InterpretHighAnsi = 1 'wdHighAnsiIsHighAnsi
    .BackgroundOpen = False
    .AutoCreateNewDrawings = False
    .CheckSpellingAsYouType = True
    .CheckGrammarAsYouType = False
    .SuggestSpellingCorrections = True
    .SuggestFromMainDictionaryOnly = False
    .CheckGrammarWithSpelling = False
    .ShowReadabilityStatistics = False
    .IgnoreUppercase = False
    .IgnoreMixedDigits = False
    .IgnoreInternetAndFileAddresses = False
    .AllowCombinedAuxiliaryForms = True
    .EnableMisusedWordsDictionary = True
    .AllowCompoundNounProcessing = True
    .UseGermanSpellingReform = True
    .ReplaceSelection = True
    .AllowDragAndDrop = True
    .AutoWordSelection = True
    .INSKeyForPaste = False
    .PasteSmartCutPaste = True
    .AllowAccentedUppercase = True
    .PictureEditor = "Microsoft Word"
    .TabIndentKey = False
    .Overtype = False
    .AllowClickAndTypeMouse = True
    .CtrlClickHyperlinkToOpen = False
    .AutoKeyboardSwitching = False
    .PictureWrapType = 0 'wdWrapMergeInline
    .DisplayPasteOptions = False
    .PromptUpdateStyle = True
    .FormatScanning = False
    .ShowFormatError = False
    .SmartParaSelection = False
    .PasteAdjustWordSpacing = True
    .PasteAdjustParagraphSpacing = False
    .PasteAdjustTableFormatting = False
    .PasteSmartStyleBehavior = False
    .PasteMergeFromPPT = False
    .PasteMergeFromXL = False
    .PasteMergeLists = False
    .UpdateFieldsAtPrint = True
    .UpdateLinksAtPrint = True
    .DefaultTray = "Druckereinstellungen verwenden"
    .PrintBackground = True
    .PrintProperties = False
    .PrintFieldCodes = False
    .PrintComments = False
    .PrintHiddenText = False
    .PrintDrawingObjects = True
    .PrintDraft = False
    .PrintReverse = False
    .MapPaperSize = False
    .PrintOddPagesInAscendingOrder = False
    .PrintEvenPagesInAscendingOrder = False
    .LocalNetworkFile = False
    .AllowFastSave = False
    .BackgroundSave = True
    .CreateBackup = False
    .SavePropertiesPrompt = True
    .SaveInterval = 0
    .SaveNormalPrompt = True
    .DisableFeaturesbyDefault = False
  End With 'Options
  With ActiveWindow
    .StyleAreaWidth = 0 'CentimetersToPoints(0)
    .DisplayHorizontalScrollBar = True
    .DisplayVerticalScrollBar = True
    .DisplayVerticalRuler = True
    .DisplayLeftScrollBar = True
    .DisplayRightRuler = True
    .DisplayScreenTips = True
    With .View
      .ShowAnimation = True
      .Draft = False
      .WrapToWindow = False
      .ShowPicturePlaceHolders = False
      .ShowFieldCodes = False
      .ShowBookmarks = False
      .FieldShading = 0 'wdFieldShadingNever
      .ShowTabs = True
      .ShowSpaces = True
      .ShowParagraphs = True
      .ShowHyphens = True
      .ShowHiddenText = True
      .ShowAll = True
      .ShowDrawings = True
      .ShowObjectAnchors = True
      .ShowTextBoundaries = False
      .ShowHighlight = True
      .DisplayPageBoundaries = True
      .DisplaySmartTags = False
    End With '.View
  End With 'ActiveWindow
  MsgBox "Optionen eingestellt"
End Sub 'NormalOptions
Private Sub ResetAllListGalleries() 'René Probst, 2007
'setzt alle ListGalleries zurück. 
  Dim oGallery As ListGallery, i As Long
  For Each oGallery In Application.ListGalleries
    For i = 1 To oGallery.ListTemplates.Count
      oGallery.Reset Index:=i
    Next i
  Next oGallery
End Sub 'ResetAllListGalleries
I deliberately left everything German in the code as I assume you might want to change it anyway.


Thank you Markus4! I'm sure that will come in handy when we want to enforce the final settings everyone should have. But, is there a way to use this code to extract what are the current settings on the PC? I need to extract the settings from several PCs and compare them to see which ones are turned on or not, then decide which settings to keep.

I obtained the code above by recording my Word options. But there are two things (sorry, my English is totally clumsy today, must be the weather):
- when recording you must click all tabs in the options menu. Otherwise only the code for the tab displayed is recorded
- you will have to sort the code as it does not seem logical to me what Word records. Above is the result.

But as you want to compare several machines I would do the following
- start the macro recorder, open the options menu, click all tabs, confirm with OK in the end. Do this on every machine with exactly the same sequence in which you click the tabs
- put the different recorded codes in an Excel sheet - one statement per row - and let Excel do the comparisons. that is why the sequence in which you click the options tabs is important (at least to me, I don't know if this matters, but I wouldn't take a risk).

Sorry again for my clumsy English.


Ok, I followed through as suggested and was able to successfully, record the options for all PCs and compare them, noting the differences between all. Thank you, you saved me a ton of time.

Now I need to pull out all available options in 2010 and pair out the options from 2003, so I can have all 2003 options (or as many as possible) configured in 2010.

Problem is, I can't record a macro to capture Word 2010 options as I was able to do in Word 2003.

I create the new macro, go to the Options screen, click around in all tabs and when I look at the macro code, the macro is empty.

Any ideas?
You might find fumeis post down in thread707-1585082 useful, as well as this Microsoft list of all "Options" properties:


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Ok, I tried but was not able to record the options from Word 2010 as I could in Word 2003. I ended up listing and comparing by hand... :(

The end.
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