The tricky thing about CompactDatabase is that it can't be used on the currently open database, only on another database that's closed. So what you can do, I guess, is set up another database (db2) with nothing but a module programmed to compact your database (db1). Then, make a command in db1 to open db2, then quit. In db2, compact db1, then reopen it.
Very messy, I know. Anyone know a neater way to do it?
Can't you activate the "Compact Database" menu option? I'm pretty sure that selecting this menu option causes Access to close and compact the database and then reopen the database. I don't have Access on this PC so I can't try this out. I'll check back when I have access to Access(!) to see if you solved the problem.
Or have a look at the FAQs.
I've written one: faq705-1955 called "How do I compact my Access 97 database from code?"
It will work for Access 2k+ as well. Youjust need to change the reference to DAO35 to DAO36
Ben ----------------------------------------
Ben O'Hara
(in case you've not worked it out get rid of Sick Of Spam to mail me!)
Have I not fixed that yet!!!
Sorry, you need to add one of the constants:
WIN_NORMAL 'Open Normal
WIN_MAX 'Open Maximized
WIN_MIN 'Open Minimized
so you get fhandlefile(strfile,winnormal)
Will edit that now.
Ben ----------------------------------------
Ben O'Hara
(in case you've not worked it out get rid of Sick Of Spam to mail me!)
By the sounds of it you do not have Scriptinf installed on your pc. It is usually installed with Internet Explorer 5 I think, but your system admin may have crippled itf.
To work round it, you will need to use another database file so:
Create a blank file and call it CompactDB.mdb
Copy this code into a module -
Function CompactExternalDB()
Dim jEngine As Object
Set jEngine = CreateObject("DAO.DBEngine.36" 'change this to DAO.DBEngine.35 if you are using Access 97
'Create a jet engine to work from
fn = Dir(Left(Command(), Len(Command()) - 3) & "ldb"
Do Until fn = ""
fn = Dir(Left(Command(), Len(Command()) - 3) & "ldb"
'check for an ldb file for the database we are compacting.
'can't sompact until everyone is out of it
jEngine.CompactDatabase Command(), Left(Command(), Len(Command()) - 3) & "cmp"
'compact the database to a file with a cmp extension
Kill Command
'delete the old file
Name Left(Command(), Len(Command()) - 3) & "cmp" As Command()
'rename the compacted file
Set jEngine = Nothing
Application.Quit acQuitSaveNone
'close this file
End Function
Save the module and create a new macro. The only thing you want in the macro is a RunCode command and type CompactExternalDB() in the option.
Save the macro with the name AutoExec and close the database file.
In the mdb you want to compact add the following subroutine:
Sub CompactThisDB()
Shell SysCmd(acSysCmdAccessDir) & "msaccess.exe " & "[PathToCompact.mdb]\compactdb.mdb /cmd " &
End Sub
Now when you call the CompactThisDB subroutine another database will open, the current database will close and be compacted.
There is no error checking and it is a little ugly at the minute and will not work with password protected files yet, but I will have a go at tarting it up later.
Ben ----------------------------------------
Ben O'Hara
(in case you've not worked it out get rid of Sick Of Spam to mail me!)
That's correct.
I am sure there is some reason why you can't compact the database whilst you are in it, but I can't think for the life of me what it is!
The good news is CompactDB.mdb is pretty reusable. One day I will get round to putting an enhanced version of it on my website.
Ben ----------------------------------------
Ben O'Hara
(in case you've not worked it out get rid of Sick Of Spam to mail me!)
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