Table #1 "A" (patient transaction records)<br>
Patient_name (30 Char)<br>
cpt_code 5 characters indexed dups allowed<br>
Table #2 "B" (master table of cpt codes)<br>
cpt_code 5 characters indexed no dups <br>
Objective of query in Access 2000<br>
Show patient transaction records where the cpt code in the "A" table is NOT found in the <br>
"B" table (master table of cpt codes)<br>
is this correct<br>
select * from A where A.cpt_code NOT IN<br>
(select B.cpt_code from B)<br>
Thanks for your help<br>
Patient_name (30 Char)<br>
cpt_code 5 characters indexed dups allowed<br>
Table #2 "B" (master table of cpt codes)<br>
cpt_code 5 characters indexed no dups <br>
Objective of query in Access 2000<br>
Show patient transaction records where the cpt code in the "A" table is NOT found in the <br>
"B" table (master table of cpt codes)<br>
is this correct<br>
select * from A where A.cpt_code NOT IN<br>
(select B.cpt_code from B)<br>
Thanks for your help<br>