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How to code a SQL statement 2

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Oct 24, 2002
I've shied away from coding SQL statements and have always used queries instead. I'd like to learn how but got Error #3075 (syntax error/missing operator) on my first attempt:

DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT DISTINCT qryScheduleAppt.WONumber, qryScheduleAppt.ContactID" _
& "FROM qrySchedule INNER JOIN qryScheduleAppt ON" _
& "qrySchedule.ContactID = qryScheduleAppt.ContactID;"

I'd really appreciate it if someone could get me started and point out what I'm doing wrong here.

When debugging SQL statements I usually debug.print them so I can see what is being passed around.
In your case, you have not put any spaces or line breaks at the end of your lines so your statement is:

SELECT DISTINCT qryScheduleAppt.WONumber, qryScheduleAppt.ContactIDFROM qrySchedule INNER JOIN qryScheduleAppt ONqrySchedule.ContactID = qryScheduleAppt.ContactID;

your code should either be:
DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT DISTINCT qryScheduleAppt.WONumber, qryScheduleAppt.ContactID" & vbcrlf & _
& "FROM qrySchedule INNER JOIN qryScheduleAppt ON" & vbcrlf _
& "qrySchedule.ContactID = qryScheduleAppt.ContactID;"

DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT DISTINCT qryScheduleAppt.WONumber, qryScheduleAppt.ContactID " _
& "FROM qrySchedule INNER JOIN qryScheduleAppt ON " _
& "qrySchedule.ContactID = qryScheduleAppt.ContactID;"

Incidently, you are usually better off using queries, rather than SQL statments where possible. When you run a query it is optimized by Access to make it run faster. This optimization is saved by access when you save a query, but will have to be done each time you send an SQL statement, making things just that little bit slower.



Ben O'Hara "Where are all the stupid people from...
...And how'd they get so dumb?"
NoFX-The Decline
Thanks for the advice about queries vs coding SQL.

I decided on using spaces instead of the crlf option but now I get Error #2342 (a RunSQL action requires an argument consisting of a SQL statement). This error has me totally clueless.

oh yeah! Didn't occur to me!
Docmd.RunSQL requires an action query. It does something like update records, deletes records, creates a table, etc.
AFAIK there is no way of opening up an sql statement for view.
You will need to save the SQL as a query, like you did before and then use docmd.openquery to display the results.



Ben O'Hara "Where are all the stupid people from...
...And how'd they get so dumb?"
NoFX-The Decline
Thanks for helping out Ben. I really appreciate it.

Ben gave me several pieces of helpful info and advice and I'd like to award a star but my browser is acting up. Is there some kind soul out there that wouldn't mind posting a star on my behalf? Thanks.

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