I want to ask how to choose the best solution to implement a datawarehouse?
Should i choose the ETL and OLAP and datawarehouse or i can use the thechonologie that include all the compounds (etl olap...) like teradata or satatistica
Thank you.
The 'best' would depend on a host of factors, many of a non-technical nature. Your question is a bit vague.. Are you asking whether you should go for a one-shop solution?
Agree with blom0344 that there is no way we can help with a recommendation without considerable detail. The most important factor is - "Why do you need to build the DW?". aka, the Requirements. Secondary considerations include the company strategy, company culture, amount of technical knowledge of the user community (what tools?).
I remember working for one company in the late 1990's that wanted me to build them a DW. I asked them why and their reply was that "The CEO heard about it on the golf course from other CEOs and decided that he wanted one". Not a solid strategic decision, but the project definitely had support from the top!
THAT SAID, #1 question is WHY DO YOU NEED A DATA WAREHOUSE? To dig a little deeper, check this old FAQ I wrote:
The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. - George Bernard Shaw
When budget is tight and you want to prototype from scratch I would recommend you check out Pentaho community editions of both ETL and Analytics. Currently working with PDI (Pentaho ETL solution) which is such a real pleasure to develop with. It compares favourably with - for instance - SSIS and it supports many platforms/databases.
thanks for your reply it was interstant.
What kind of DBMS should i choose to work with Pentaho and have you a documentation to install Pentaho and deploy a datawarehouse.
The open source community uses mostly MySQL , the opensource version of Pentaho PDI only needs to be unzipped to a location. PDI works with 42 different databases , so you can pick your choice.
No, there is no such thing as 'a' document for deploying a datawarehouse. There are lots of books on the subject, but I do wonder if you're in the right business
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