I have the following in a module. The results start in A5, is there anything in the code I can change so that the results start in A6 instead?
Sub sumQry()
' sumQry Macro
' Macro recorded 6/7/2007
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+q
Dim sSQL As String
Dim acctg_date As Date
Dim xl As Application
Set xl = Application
acctg_date = wsSummary.Range("A3").Value
sSQL = sSQL & "nyl_sfp_poolmast.deal,"
sSQL = sSQL & "nyl_sfp_poolmast.pool,"
sSQL = sSQL & "pool_prin_bal = isnull(b.pool_prin_bal,0),"
sSQL = sSQL & "pool_original_amt = isnull(b.pool_original_amt,0),"
sSQL = sSQL & "pool_funding_amt = isnull(b.pool_funding_amt,0),"
sSQL = sSQL & "loan_count = isnull(b.loan_count,0),"
sSQL = sSQL & "percentage = isnull(b.pool_prin_bal/p.all_pools_prin_bal,0),"
sSQL = sSQL & "cur_ltv = isnull(b.cur_ltv,0),"
sSQL = sSQL & "gross_rate = isnull(b.gross_rate,0),"
sSQL = sSQL & "service_fee = isnull(b.service_fee,0),"
sSQL = sSQL & "net_rate= isnull(b.net_rate,0),"
sSQL = sSQL & "orig_term = isnull(b.orig_term,0),"
sSQL = sSQL & "cur_rterm = isnull(b.cur_rterm,0),"
sSQL = sSQL & "cur_age = isnull(b.cur_age,0),"
sSQL = sSQL & "b.due_day"
sSQL = sSQL & vbCrLf
sSQL = sSQL & "FROM"
sSQL = sSQL & " LMS_NYL.dbo.nyl_sfp_poolmast nyl_sfp_poolmast"
sSQL = sSQL & vbCrLf
sSQL = sSQL & "left outer join (select pool, pool_prin_bal = sum(prin_bal),"
sSQL = sSQL & "pool_original_amt = sum(original_amt),"
sSQL = sSQL & "pool_funding_amt = sum(funding_amt),"
sSQL = sSQL & "cur_ltv = round((case sum(prin_bal) when 0 then 0 else sum(wcltv)/sum(prin_bal) end),2),"
sSQL = sSQL & "gross_rate = round((case sum(prin_bal) when 0 then 0 else sum(wac)/sum(prin_bal) end),3),"
sSQL = sSQL & "service_fee = round((case sum(prin_bal) when 0 then 0 else sum(wcsfee)/sum(prin_bal) end),4),"
sSQL = sSQL & "net_rate = round(((case sum(prin_bal) when 0 then 0 else sum(wac)/sum(prin_bal) end)- (case sum(prin_bal) when 0 then 0 else sum(wcsfee)/sum(prin_bal) end)),3),"
sSQL = sSQL & "orig_term = (case sum(prin_bal) when 0 then 0 else sum(wcoterm)/sum(prin_bal) end),"
sSQL = sSQL & "cur_rterm = (case sum(prin_bal) when 0 then 0 else sum(wcrterm)/sum(prin_bal) end),"
sSQL = sSQL & "cur_age = (case sum(prin_bal) when 0 then 0 else sum(wage)/sum(prin_bal) end),"
sSQL = sSQL & "due_day = (case sum(prin_bal) when 0 then 0 else sum(wcremit)/sum(prin_bal) end),"
sSQL = sSQL & "loan_count = count(case when prin_bal != 0 then 1 end),"
sSQL = sSQL & "hist_date"
sSQL = sSQL & vbCrLf
sSQL = sSQL & " from nyl_sfp_balances"
sSQL = sSQL & vbCrLf
sSQL = sSQL & " where hist_date = '" & acctg_date & "'"
sSQL = sSQL & vbCrLf
sSQL = sSQL & " group by pool,hist_date) b on"
sSQL = sSQL & vbCrLf
sSQL = sSQL & " b.pool = nyl_sfp_poolmast.pool"
sSQL = sSQL & vbCrLf
sSQL = sSQL & " left outer join (select hist_date,all_pools_prin_bal = sum(prin_bal)"
sSQL = sSQL & vbCrLf
sSQL = sSQL & " from nyl_sfp_balances"
sSQL = sSQL & vbCrLf
sSQL = sSQL & " where hist_date = '" & acctg_date & "'"
sSQL = sSQL & vbCrLf
sSQL = sSQL & " group by hist_date) p on"
sSQL = sSQL & vbCrLf
sSQL = sSQL & " p.hist_date = '" & acctg_date & "'"
sSQL = sSQL & vbCrLf
sSQL = sSQL & " where nyl_sfp_poolmast.closed_date <= '" & acctg_date & "'" & " or nyl_sfp_poolmast.closed_date is null"
sSQL = sSQL & vbCrLf
sSQL = sSQL & " nyl_sfp_poolmast.pool ASC"
'clear existing records in case user chooses an earlier accounting date
xl.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
xl.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
With wsSummary.QueryTables(1)
.Connection = _
'), Array("ed_Connection=Yes"))
.CommandText = sSQL
.Refresh BackgroundQuery:=False
End With
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00%"
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.NumberFormat = "0.00000000"
End Sub