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How to change the name that appears on an agents phone from a script? 1

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Technical User
May 21, 2007

I'm very new to this, so help would be appreciated.

I have a primary script that collects 4 digits to get a company code. It then executes a secondary script based on the company code.

From the secondary script is there a way to change the name that appears on the agents phone when a call is presented, rather than all calls displaying the generic primary application name?
The phoneset display is configured under Configuration in the Web clent/CCMA. There are a limited set of items that can be displayed. They are typically, Skillset name, CDN name, CLID. Whatever is set-up is global across the call center.

So, look over what is currently configured for your call center and if it can be changed. Then decide what is easiest for you to provide the display you need. CDN names can easily be changed, skillset names cannot.
Milesprower, thanks for the suggestion.

What I want to be able to do is for all the callers come in on the one CDN which then runs the primary script to prompt for the 4 digit company code.

This then executes a script based on the code entered and the appropriate name is then displayed on the agent handset.

This would mean only one CDN and one skillset are needed and the name to display on the agent skillset is all done from the secondary script.

I'm hoping for a "DISPLAY NAME Company_A" type command, but I realise it may not exist.
If you do ROUTE TO 'cdn number' rather than an EXECUTE SCRIPT 'script_name', you could set it up to display the CDN name (but you would need a different CDN for each company - don't know if this is feasible)

or (and I haven't tried this myself), you could set up a call variable cv_skillset (type = skillset) and set up a series of WHERE VALUE statements . iN THIS EXAMPLE, I have called your digit collecter call variable cv_collect digits

WHERE cv_collect_digits EQUALS
VALUE 1234: ASSIGN VALUE Acme_Co TO cv_skillset
VALUE 2345: ASSIGN VALUE WHSmith TO cv_skillset
VALUE 3456: ASSIGN VALUE M_and_S TO cv_skillset

Then you would...


This will work in terms of delivering calls, what I don't know is if (assuming you put the skillset name on the phonset display) the agents will see cv_skillset or the value you have set cv_skillset to be i.e. M_and_S, Acme_Co etc.


VALUE 62973: EXECUTE SCRIPT sd_outbound3
Milesprower and DancingDave,

Thanks for the responses.

I think I'll have to go with seting up a seperate CDN for each company and re routing the call through them. This is actually what we have impelmented in the mean time, I was just curious about creating a more 'elegant' solution, but I guess there are limits to what I can do.

I think that would be simpler that setting up a large number of skillsets as I would then have to add a large number of agents to a continually growing long list of skillsets.
Yes, it's rock and a hard place isn't it? Use up lots of CDNs (most Meridians are limited to 240 CDNs and ACD-DNs unless) or manage a whole load of skillsets, however,...

...one other option that has just occurred to me would be to use DNIS_name in the phoneset display. (This wouldn't mean you would need DNIS enabling on your trunks either).

After the play message and collect digits section,...

WHERE cv_collect_digits EQUALS
VALUE 1234: ASSIGN 1234 TO cv_DNIS
VALUE 2345: ASSIGN 2345 TO cv_DNIS
VALUE 3456: ASSIGN 3456 TO cv_DNIS

cv_collect_digits is a call variable of type DN
cv_DNIS is a call variable of type DNIS whith a default value of 0000 (as long as 0000 isn't one of your company codes).

You could then queue calls to a single skillset (easier to manage) with a single script (one CDN required). You would need to set up a DNIS entry for each company to marry up the DNIS number to the name.

I have to say that I've not tried this (I can't change the phoneset display on all phones in the building!), but I'd be interested to hear if it works.

you could look to use the HDX features to interrogate and return stuff based on. We looked to trial a system whereby the caller would enter their account number and then it would return their balance according to the input.

It never got put in place as the business changed their minds.

Worked well thou

It's not getting any smarter out there. You have to come to terms with stupidity, and make it work for you.
Hi guys,
Firstly, i've just got to say how impressed you all are with your willingness to help each other... It's good to know there's a great source of knowledge here!

I've actually got a similar issue, where i'm wanting to find out if it's possible to have different displays, depending on what digits are pressed, when routed to the one skillset.

I'm relatively new to this, but i've pretty much got the idea. One thing i'm not familiar with is the DNIS bit, written by DancingDave. From what I do understand, it looks like it might fit my bill (wanting to have 1 skillset, 1 CDN, 2 different displays on the handsets dependent upon key pressed).

So far, i've found the option to show DNIS on the handset, and the DNIS option on the script variables, but where do I set up the DNIS entry for each company?
And would there be anything else I'd need to check before going ahead and setting this up?

Thanks lads and lassies!

DNIS is short for Dialed Number Identification Service and is a number that is provided by your telecom network carrier(s) with the call (sort of like Calling line ID). It is usually provided on a geographic basis (e.g calls from Illinois have DNIS 1000, calls from Indiana have DNIS 2000, calls from Michigan arrive with DNIS 3000...).

Now, lots of smart people have used this basic structure to do lots of interesting things beyond just geographic call origination. The only thing that limits you is that the DNIS code has to be in the right location with all the other call data that is provided with a call. Different switch vendors go so far as to allow you to populate or manipulate the DNIS code after the call arrives. This would allow you to display different DNIS codes (and names) on the phoneset display for calls that terminate on the same CDN.

I do not know enough about the Nortel switch to tell you if this is possible on the Meridian. We'll have to see if some one else can provide that information.
ahh... i see. Actually, it's not going to be a whole lot of use to me anyway... (firstly I'm in australia, and secondly, it's the employees of these companies that are calling us, so they'd be coming from anywhere & everywhere).

Hmmm, ok. Thanks for your knowledge Milesprower.
Would anyone have any ideas for a solution for me... my situation is as follows:

I'm ideally wanting to keep just the one skillset (CDNs doesn't matter, we've got plenty spare I believe).
Calls that come in through this particular script will be given 2 options to choose from. My question is, am i able to have a different label show on the handsets when callers choose the different options? (call centre guys need to have 2 different greetings for the different employees)
(currently the handsets are showing only skillset).
Actually, i've just found that on row 2 of the phoneset also shows "source CDN Name". Is this going to be the initial CDN that the master script picks up and routes?

So is this going to be possible? or do i have to set up a second skillset?

Senor Alastair, the scripting I posted above should work for you too.

It doesn't actually use DNIS at all, rather it uses a DNIS variable as a placeholder for your 'call types' as DNIS_name can be displayed on the phone.

To differentiate between the types of call e.g. Sales and Marketing, play a message and collect (4) digits into a call variable cv_collect_digits (type DN, default value 0000).

Then you need to use what they have entered to set the DNIS value (another call variable, cv_dnis, type DNIS, default value 0000)

WHERE cv_collect_digits EQUALS
VALUE 1111: ASSIGN 1111 TO cv_DNIS
VALUE 2222: ASSIGN 2222 TO cv_DNIS

You will also need to set up DNIS entries via the Configuration screen e.g.
Name Number
Sales 1111
Marketing 2222

Then queue the call to your single skillset. If DNIS name is set on the phoneset display, then it should show either sales or marketing on the phone once the call is delivered.


hmmm, very very interesting!
What an ingenious idea... as soon as i get a few seconds I'll set up a dummy queue and do some testing. Looks like it should be perfect for me!

Thanks heaps for that DancingDave!
Make sure to report back. I'm interested to see that you can change the DNIS code.
Hi guys,
Just an update... I've set up the scripts to make use of the cv_DNIS variable, which all seems fine.
I used the symposium web client to set up the actual DNIS info, as i couldn't find where it was located in the SMI setup.
After changing the call presentation class to display DNIS names as well, it's still not showing the DNIS names... I'm wondering if I need to do something else to get the DNIS set up in SMI first...?

So, with the scripting everything validated without probs and I'm half guessing that it's working in part, but it's just not showing DNIS names on the phones...

Has anyone got any ideas about DNIS setup though SMI client?
(version 4.00 build 04.01.07 rev 6)... (or know what i would need to do next to get this little plan working?)

In the client the DNIS setup is done from:

Symposium Call Center Server
+-Switch Administration

Although I'm having your issue, I have set a call variable of type DNIS to the correct number, and changed the phoneset display, although the expected result does not show on the phone.

In the DNISs section I have set a number 4000 with the name __TEST__ although neither display on the phone as expected.

I know with the CDNs you need to set them up in the PABX before Symposium can aqquire them, is there a similar need to set DNISs in the PABX first before seting them up in Symposium?

My SMI client has no DNISs under
Symposium Call Center Server/Switch Administration!!
That's where I thought it would have been.

I wonder why it's in the web client (and saving the info correctly) and not even showing up in the smi client!

As you said, maybe it needs to be set up in the pabx first?

Anybody got any ideas??
hi again.
spoke to our phone support, and yes, DNIS needs to be set up in pabx first...
I'll post up results when it goes ahead!
= )
You wouldn't be able to report on these separately though would you ....or am I missing something ?

We've had a similar request, but the users needed to know how many people have pressed 1, how many pressed 2 etc and with only 1 DNIS to report upon we can't give them that.

We did have them routing to new applications (via CDN so it was a primary application), however we found that the DNIS began to 'double count' itself and so made reporting a manual task (which of course they couldn't accept as a workable solution).

Could you think of a way of being able to report on who pressed what ?

(Actually I should say we needed these at answered and abandoned, pretty easy to see answered, if the choices wind up at different skillsets, but abandoned is obviously going to only show against the one DNIS).
lmtb, you are right, DNIS does get "double-counted" if you transfer a call to a new CDN for counting purposes. To SCCS, when the call is transfered to the new CDN, it is a new call. The DNIS gets counted again.

To get a count of what choices are pressed, you can put your menu's in the master script and then send the different choices to different applications. You then use the application reports to see what was chosen by your callers. The downside is that your master script gets cluttered up and becomes harder to maintain.
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