Edit the /etc/sysconfig/network file and type hostname = PetiPitou. You may want to restart the network for the changes to immediately show --> /sbin/service network restart.
The above works on Red Hat, but it could be different on some distro's.
ChrisP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Hey, i have redhat , But when i change the hostname to PetiPitou. an reboot it takes me in a text login an Wont let me in a graphical login or anything graphical, like as if i telneted To my box an only seein the Shell But when i change it back to Localhost.localdomain it lets me back into a graphical log in !! can You tell me why?
p.s...Could it be because of two capital letters PetiPetou two PP?
"p.s...Could it be because of two capital letters PetiPetou two PP?" --> NO.
Try adding your new hostname to the /etc/hosts file. Maybe it can't resolve the name. Put your IP and new hostname on a separate line. Don't delete the loopback stuff.
ChrisP ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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