In v9 you have to add a SQL 'command', which is a SQL statement - and then use that statement for the report. I don't think v9 lets you tweak the report's SQL like you could in prior versions. Ken Hamady, On-site Custom Crystal Reports Training & Consulting
Public classes and individual training.
Guide to using Crystal in VB
I am wondering how to add a SQL 'command'. I am having the same issue, in that I would like to edit the query a bit. I am trying to do a left outer join on two tables, which is fine, I can do that. But, I want to add an "and" clause to the join, and I can't seem to figure out how to do that.
Open the database expert for this connection and use the ADD COMMAND option above the tables icon. Ken Hamady, On-site Custom Crystal Reports Training & Consulting
Public classes and individual training.
Expert's Guide to Formulas / Guide to Crystal in VB
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