I've worked a lot to get my server working but now I discovered that I choose wrong language support when I installed CentOS 5. It works in HTTPD to set the default charset to UFT-8 but when I try to use PHP functions as ucwords() and when I try to phrase XML it doesn't work as it should so I need to set the locale? or language? to the default one for Swedish so I can use the Swedish å,ä and ö letters.
I've tried with:
localedef -i sv_SE -f ISO-8859-1 sv_SE
export LC_ALL=sv_SE
export LANG=sv
and similar but it doesn't work.
So please, I'm greatful for anything that could help me solve this.
I've worked a lot to get my server working but now I discovered that I choose wrong language support when I installed CentOS 5. It works in HTTPD to set the default charset to UFT-8 but when I try to use PHP functions as ucwords() and when I try to phrase XML it doesn't work as it should so I need to set the locale? or language? to the default one for Swedish so I can use the Swedish å,ä and ö letters.
I've tried with:
localedef -i sv_SE -f ISO-8859-1 sv_SE
export LC_ALL=sv_SE
export LANG=sv
and similar but it doesn't work.
So please, I'm greatful for anything that could help me solve this.