At the time I've got a login/password page that requires the user to tab down to the "login" button to submit. This login button calls the function btnLogin_onclick() which holds all the computing for the page.
What I want to accomplish is when the user is done typing in the login and password, they can just hit the enter key and it calls the btnLogin_onclick() function.
My button in the body looks like this:
<!--#INCLUDE file="_ScriptLibrary/Button.ASP"-->
<script language="JavaScript" runat=Server>
function _initbtnLogin(){
btnLogin.value = ' Log In ';
function _btnLogin_ctor(){
CreateButton('btnLogin', _initbtnLogin, null);
<% btnLogin.display %>
I'd really appreciate any advice. Thank You!
What I want to accomplish is when the user is done typing in the login and password, they can just hit the enter key and it calls the btnLogin_onclick() function.
My button in the body looks like this:
<!--#INCLUDE file="_ScriptLibrary/Button.ASP"-->
<script language="JavaScript" runat=Server>
function _initbtnLogin(){
btnLogin.value = ' Log In ';
function _btnLogin_ctor(){
CreateButton('btnLogin', _initbtnLogin, null);
<% btnLogin.display %>
I'd really appreciate any advice. Thank You!