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how to call method from another class

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Nov 15, 2004
i am newbie in java...

keep in mind that every method is non-static.
all variables are also non-static.
here is my three classes....

My Aim --- to call toDom() from InvoiceNotes class to
addDocument() of InvoiceNotesController

public class InvoiceNotesController {

public static void main(String args[]){
InvoiceNotesController inc = new InvoiceNotesController();


private void init(String inFile){
InvoiceNotesHandler handler = new InvoiceNotesHandler();
parseXmlFile(inFile, handler, false);


}catch (Exception e) {

public void parseXmlFile(String filename, DefaultHandler handler, boolean validating){
----------> Some parse code here <-----------------------------
public void addDocument(String xmlFileId) throws Exception {
Collection col = null;
String id;
How i call toDom() method from InvoiceNotes Class without creating new Instance of InvoiceNotes.....
Also all methods are instance Method and all variables are instance variables....Not used static any way ----
try {
col = XmlDbManager.getCollectionInstance("aaa",4444,"ots","username","xxxx");

=========> Node finaldoc = (Node)toDom(); <=========

XMLResource document = (XMLResource)col.createResource(xmlFileId,"XMLResource");

String target = col.createId();

System.out.println("Document inserted with Id - " + xmlFileId);
}catch(XMLDBException e) {
System.err.println("XML:DB Exception occured " + e.errorCode);
}catch(CouldNotConnectToXmlDbException ce) {
System.err.println("Could Not connect to XmlDb");
}finally {
if (col != null) {

2) Here InvoiceNotesHandler class.......

public class InvoiceNotesHandler extends DefaultHandler {

private String currentQname = null;
private StringBuffer thisText = new StringBuffer();
private String clientName = null;
private String dateString ;
private String descriptionString ;
private String minutesString ;
private float hours ;
private Date date ;
************ ***********
InvoiceNotes in = new InvoiceNotes();
*********** **********
public void startDocument() {


public void endDocument() {


public void startElement(String uri,
String localname,
String qname,
Attributes attributes)
throws SAXException {

if(qname.equals("CLIENT")) {
clientName = attributes.getValue(0);
currentQname = qname;

public void endElement(String uri,
String localname,
String qname)
throws SAXException {

dateString = thisText.toString();
SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MMddyy");
try {
date = sdf.parse(dateString);
}catch(Exception e){
e.printStackTrace ();
}else if(qname.equals("DESCRIPTION")){
descriptionString = thisText.toString();
}else if(qname.equals("MINUTES")){
minutesString = thisText.toString();
hours = new Float(minutesString).floatValue();
}else if(qname.equals("REC")){
Record record = new Record(date, descriptionString, hours);
}else if(qname.equals("CLIENT")){

3) here invoicenotes class.....

public class InvoiceNotes {

SortedLinkedList linkedRecordList = null;
TreeMap clientHistory = new TreeMap( new StringComparatorIgnoreCase( ) );
Document doc = null; // output DOM document

public void chkContainsKey(String clientName){
linkedRecordList = new SortedLinkedList();
if (clientHistory.containsKey(clientName)){
//--Here i am creating new SortedLinkedList and
// add each record to linkedRecordList

linkedRecordList = (SortedLinkedList)clientHistory.get(clientName);

public void addRecord(Record record){

public void putMap(String clientName){

public Document toDom(){
-----------> code for retrieve from treemap and create DOM document <-----------------------

return doc;

***** end ****
pl. give me the solution...
Thanks in advanced..
your help is appriciated.....


Have we not been through this before ?!! thread269-963630

Free Database Connection Pooling Software
sorry we have not solve this problem in thread269-963630.
Here i have change my code...i got the result with static variables/method but my project manager told me that you have to not used static variables/methods...

pl. help me out...

How i call toDom() method from InvoiceNotes Class without creating new Instance of InvoiceNotes.....

Short answer: You can't.

Longer answer: One of the points of object-oriented programming is that you can have different instances of a class (each containing their own data), that you create using the new operator. If you (for whatever reason) decide that a method should work without requiring an instance you create a static method. This is where your manager said no, and he did it to prevent two common scenarios:

1. Your code ends up being procedural in nature, rather than O-O. This leads to maintenance problems down the road.

2. You end up with classes which are "kitchen sink" code -- they contain a little bit of everything, none of which really belong together. After which you're playing the classic "Sesame Street" song: <i>One of these things isn't like the others</i>.

I would invest in a couple of books to help you learn the O-O paradigm, one of which should be Bruce Eckel's "Thinking in Java" (available for download online as a .pdf)

Chip H.

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