Olaf Doschke
I just posted faq184-7862
At the end of thread184-1738764 I said I work on a string math library, that took a while because it wasn't main focus and also I needed a bit more debugging on the divide operation.
The last sample of the FAQ code covers the famous case of thread184-1738661.
I'd be glad, if you stress test this and find bugs. If it's somehow useful to you, still be cautious it doesn't come with a warranty. You might contact me for generating a more stable lib with perhaps more functionality and performance tuning, too.
Bye, Olaf.
At the end of thread184-1738764 I said I work on a string math library, that took a while because it wasn't main focus and also I needed a bit more debugging on the divide operation.
The last sample of the FAQ code covers the famous case of thread184-1738661.
I'd be glad, if you stress test this and find bugs. If it's somehow useful to you, still be cautious it doesn't come with a warranty. You might contact me for generating a more stable lib with perhaps more functionality and performance tuning, too.
Bye, Olaf.