I need to calculate the number of days that the work was completed from “Spec Complete” to Dis Complete. I started calculating the number of days by deducting the Fin Date/time to OrderDt to start the beginning figure. However, I could not get the correct formula to calculate the number of days from Spec complete to Dis Complete. I tried If Else statement but got stumped. Can anybody figure this out? Formula must calculate the number of days from "Spec complete fin date/time 2/7/03 to Dis complete fin date/time 12/31/02.” I’ve been trying to figure this out for 3 days and going nowhere….HELP!!!! Would certainly appreciate it.
The following are the fields that I am extracting.
OrderDt Mlstone FinDt/Time #of days
11/21/2002 Dis comp 12/31/02 40
11/21/2002 Spec comp 2/7/03 ????
11/21/2002 Integ Inst 2/10/03 ????
11/21/2002 Integ tsted 2/15/03 ????
2/28/2003 Dis comp 3/6/03 ????
2/28/2003 Spec comp 4/10/03 ????
2/28/2003 Integ Inst 4/15/03 ????
2/28/2003 Integ tsted 5/20/03 ????
What I need to accomplish is this:
FinDt/Time # of Days
12/31/02 40
2/7/03 37 (2/7/03 - 12/31/02)
2/10/03 3
I could not come up with the correct formula in Crystal Report.
The following are the fields that I am extracting.
OrderDt Mlstone FinDt/Time #of days
11/21/2002 Dis comp 12/31/02 40
11/21/2002 Spec comp 2/7/03 ????
11/21/2002 Integ Inst 2/10/03 ????
11/21/2002 Integ tsted 2/15/03 ????
2/28/2003 Dis comp 3/6/03 ????
2/28/2003 Spec comp 4/10/03 ????
2/28/2003 Integ Inst 4/15/03 ????
2/28/2003 Integ tsted 5/20/03 ????
What I need to accomplish is this:
FinDt/Time # of Days
12/31/02 40
2/7/03 37 (2/7/03 - 12/31/02)
2/10/03 3
I could not come up with the correct formula in Crystal Report.