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How to calculate Collision ?

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Jul 12, 2000

I've made a simple labyrinth. One labyrinth unit consist of 6 triangles ( 3 square - floor and 2 walls ). Now I can walk along on it, but I can walk through the walls.
I've made an collosion detection algorithm, but I think it is not so good. (it doesn't like me) I've stored the floors coords (squares) and I check, if the EyePoint inside these square or not.
Do anybody know a better way to calculate collosion?
(I've read a lot of articles, they calculate something with normals, but it was not so clear to me)

best regards,
Try checking out the D3DXPlaneIntersectLine function. Maybe that could work for ya.
// --------------------
// collision.cpp
// Copyright (C) 1995-2001 Volition, Inc.
// All rights reserved
// This code is meant for illustrative purposes only. Volition takes
// no responsibility for any Bad Things(TM) that happen as a result
// of using it. Use at your own risk.
// --------------------

#include <math.h>
#include &quot;vector.h&quot;

// --------------------
// Defines
// --------------------

#define CLIP_RIGHT (1<<0) // cohen-sutherland clipping outcodes
#define CLIP_LEFT (1<<1)
#define CLIP_TOP (1<<2)
#define CLIP_BOTTOM (1<<3)
#define CLIP_FRONT (1<<4)
#define CLIP_BACK (1<<5)

// --------------------
// Helper Macros
// --------------------

// --------------------
// Enumerated Types
// --------------------

// --------------------
// Structures
// --------------------

// --------------------
// Classes
// --------------------

// --------------------
// Global Variables
// --------------------

// --------------------
// Local Variables
// --------------------

// --------------------
// Internal Functions
// --------------------

// calculates the cohen-sutherland outcode for a point and a bounding box.
// bbox_min: min vector of the bounding box
// bbox_max: max vector of the bounding box
// pnt: the point to check
// returns: the outcode
static ulong calc_outcode( vector &bbox_min, vector &bbox_max, vector &pnt )
ulong outcode = 0;

if( pnt.x > bbox_max.x ) {
outcode |= CLIP_RIGHT;
} else if( pnt.x < bbox_min.x ) {
outcode |= CLIP_LEFT;
if( pnt.y > bbox_max.y ) {
outcode |= CLIP_TOP;
} else if( pnt.y < bbox_min.y ) {
outcode |= CLIP_BOTTOM;
if( pnt.z > bbox_max.z ) {
outcode |= CLIP_BACK;
} else if( pnt.z < bbox_min.z ) {
outcode |= CLIP_FRONT;

return outcode;

// --------------------
// External Functions
// --------------------

// checks if a line crosses from the front of a plane to the back
// start: start point of the line
// dir: direction of the line, does not need to be normalized
// p: the plane
// fraction: (OUT) how far along the line it crossed the plane
// returns: true if the line crossed from front to back
bool collide_line_plane( vector &start, vector &dir, plane &p, float &fraction )
float dist, len;

dist = start * p.normal + p.offset;
if( dist < 0 ) {
// behind plane
return false;

len = -(dir * p.normal);
if( len < dist ) {
// moving away from plane or point too far away
return false;

fraction = dist / len;
return true;

// checks if a sphere crosses from the front of a plane to the back
// start: start point of the line
// dir: direction of the line, does not need to be normalized
// radius: the radius of the sphere
// p: the plane
// fraction: (OUT) how far along the line it crossed the plane
// returns: true if the sphere crossed from front to back
bool collide_sphere_plane( vector &start, vector &dir, float radius, plane &p, float &fraction, vector &hit_point )
// find the closest point on the sphere to the plane
vector sphere_bottom = start - (p.normal * radius);

// collide the point like a regular ray
if( !collide_line_plane(sphere_bottom, dir, p, fraction) ) {
// no dice
return false;

// we have a winner
hit_point = sphere_bottom + dir * fraction;
return true;

// see if a point in inside a face by projecting into 2d.
// hit_point: the point to test
// verts: polygon vertices
// norm1: polygon normal
// returns: true if hit point is within polygon
bool point_in_face( vector &hit_point, vector *verts[], vector &norm1 )
// given largest component of normal, return i & j
static int ij_table[3][2] = { {2,1}, // norm x biggest
{0,2}, // norm y biggest
{1,0} };// norm z biggest int i0, i1,i2;

float u0, u1, u2, v0, v1, v2;
int i0, i1, i2;
float alpha, beta;

// find largest component of normal
float abs_x = (float)fabs(norm1.x);
float abs_y = (float)fabs(norm1.y);
float abs_z = (float)fabs(norm1.z);
if( abs_x > abs_y ) {
if( abs_x > abs_z ) {
i0 = 0;
} else {
i0 = 2;
} else {
if( abs_y > abs_z ) {
i0 = 1;
} else {
i0 = 2;

// pretend that norm1 is an array of three floats.
float *norm1_xyz = &norm1.x;
// figure out the two dimensions we are going to use
if( norm1_xyz[i0] > 0.0f ) {
i1 = ij_table[i0][0];
i2 = ij_table[i0][1];
} else {
i1 = ij_table[i0][1];
i2 = ij_table[i0][0];

// pretend that hit_point and *(verts[N]) are arrays of three floats.
float *hit_point_xyz = &hit_point.x;
float *verts0_xyz = &(verts[0]->x);
float *verts1_xyz = &(verts[1]->x);
float *verts2_xyz = &(verts[2]->x);

// get deltas for hitpoint
u0 = hit_point_xyz[i1] - verts0_xyz[i1];
v0 = hit_point_xyz[i2] - verts0_xyz[i2];
// ditto edge 1
u1 = verts1_xyz[i1] - verts0_xyz[i1];
v1 = verts1_xyz[i2] - verts0_xyz[i2];
// ditto edge 2
u2 = verts2_xyz[i1] - verts0_xyz[i1];
v2 = verts2_xyz[i2] - verts0_xyz[i2];

// calculate alpha and beta
if( (u1 > -0.0001f) && (u1 < 0.0001f) ) {
// special case to guard against divide by zero
beta = u0 / u2;
if( (beta >= 0.0f) && (beta <= 1.0f) ) {
alpha = (v0 - beta*v2) / v1;
return ((alpha >= 0.0f) && (alpha+beta <= 1.0f));
} else {
beta = (v0*u1 - u0*v1) / (v2*u1 - u2*v1);
if( (beta >= 0.0f) && (beta <= 1.0f) ) {
alpha = (u0 - beta*u2) / u1;
return ((alpha >= 0.0f) && (alpha+beta <= 1.0f));

// not inside polygon
return false;

// given an edge of a polygon and a moving sphere, find the first contact the sphere
// makes with the edge, if any. note that hit_time must be primed with a value of 1
// before calling this function the first time. it will then maintain the closest
// collision in subsequent calls.
// xs0: start point (center) of sphere
// vs: path of sphere during frame
// rad: radius of sphere
// v0: vertex #1 of the edge
// v1: vertex #2 of the edge
// hit_time: (OUT) time at which sphere collides with polygon edge
// hit_point: (OUT) point on edge that is hit
// returns - whether the edge (or it's vertex) was hit
bool collide_edge_sphereline( const vector &xs0, const vector &vs, float rad, const vector &v0, const vector &v1, float &hit_time, vector &hit_point )
static vector temp_sphere_hit;
bool try_vertex = false; // Assume we don't have to try the vertices.

vector ve = v1 - v0;
vector delta = xs0 - v0;
float delta_dot_ve = delta * ve;
float delta_dot_vs = delta * vs;
float delta_sqr = delta.mag_squared();
float ve_dot_vs = ve * vs;
float ve_sqr = ve.mag_squared();
float vs_sqr = vs.mag_squared();

float temp;

// position of the collision along the edge is given by: xe = v0 + ve*s, where s is
// in the range [0,1]. position of sphere along its path is given by:
// xs = xs + vs*t, where t is in the range [0,1]. t is time, but s is arbitrary.
// solve simultaneous equations
// (1) distance between edge and sphere center must be sphere radius
// (2) line between sphere center and edge must be perpendicular to edge
// (1) (xe - xs)*(xe - xs) = rad*rad
// (2) (xe - xs) * ve = 0
// then apply mathematica

float A, B, C, root, discriminant;
float root1 = 0.0f;
float root2 = 0.0f;
A = ve_dot_vs * ve_dot_vs - ve_sqr * vs_sqr;
B = 2 * (delta_dot_ve * ve_dot_vs - delta_dot_vs * ve_sqr);
C = delta_dot_ve * delta_dot_ve + rad * rad * ve_sqr - delta_sqr * ve_sqr;

if( A > -0.0001f && A < 0.0001f ) {
// degenerate case, sphere is traveling parallel to edge
try_vertex = true;
} else {
discriminant = B*B - 4*A*C;
if( discriminant > 0 ) {
root = (float)sqrt(discriminant);
root1 = (-B + root) / (2 * A);
root2 = (-B - root) / (2 * A);

// sort root1 and root2, use the earliest intersection. the larger root
// corresponds to the final contact of the sphere with the edge on its
// way out.
if( root2 < root1 ) {
temp = root1;
root1 = root2;
root2 = temp;

// root1 is a time, check that it's in our currently valid range
if( (root1 < 0) || (root1 >= hit_time) ) {
return false;

// find sphere and edge positions
temp_sphere_hit = xs0 + vs * root1;

// check if hit is between v0 and v1
float s_edge = ((temp_sphere_hit - v0) * ve) / ve_sqr;
if( (s_edge >= 0) && (s_edge <= 1) ) {
// bingo
hit_time = root1;
hit_point = v0 + ve * s_edge;
return true;
} else {
// discriminant negative, sphere passed edge too far away
return false;

// sphere missed the edge, check for a collision with the first vertex. note
// that we only need to check one vertex per call to check all vertices.
A = vs_sqr;
B = 2 * delta_dot_vs;
C = delta_sqr - rad * rad;

discriminant = B*B - 4*A*C;
if( discriminant > 0 ) {
root = (float)sqrt(discriminant);
root1 = (-B + root) / (2 * A);
root2 = (-B - root) / (2 * A);

// sort the solutions
if( root1 > root2 ) {
temp = root1;
root1 = root2;
root2 = temp;

// check hit vertex is valid and earlier than what we already have
if( (root1 < 0) || (root1 >= hit_time) ) {
return false;
} else {
// discriminant negative, sphere misses vertex too
return false;

// bullseye
hit_time = root1;
hit_point = v0;
return true;

// tests two axis-aligned bounding boxes for intersection
// min1: - min vector of bounding box 1
// max1: - max vector of bounding box 1
// min2: - min vector of bounding box 2
// max2: - max vector of bounding box 2
// returns true if boxes intersect
bool ix_box_box_aligned( vector &min1, vector &max1, vector &min2, vector &max2 )
if( min1.x > max2.x || min1.y > max2.y || min1.z > max2.z || max1.x < min2.x || max1.y < min2.y || max1.z < min2.z ) {
return false;

return true;

// determines if a linesegment intersects a bounding box. this is based on
// the cohen-sutherland line-clipping algorithm.
// bbox_min: bounding box min vector
// bbox_max: bounding box max vector
// p1: end point of line segment
// p2: other end point
// intercept: (out) the point in/on the bounding box where the intersection
// occured. note that this point may not be on the surface of the box.
// returns: true if the segment and box intersect.
bool collide_linesegment_boundingbox( vector &bbox_min, vector &bbox_max, vector &p1, vector &p2, vector &intercept )
ulong outcode1, outcode2;

outcode1 = calc_outcode( bbox_min, bbox_max, p1 );
if( outcode1 == 0 ) {
// point inside bounding box
intercept = p1;
return true;

outcode2 = calc_outcode( bbox_min, bbox_max, p2 );
if( outcode2 == 0 ) {
// point inside bounding box
intercept = p2;
return true;

if( (outcode1 & outcode2) > 0 ) {
// both points on same side of box
return false;

// check intersections
if( outcode1 & (CLIP_RIGHT | CLIP_LEFT) ) {
if( outcode1 & CLIP_RIGHT ) {
intercept.x = bbox_max.x;
} else {
intercept.x = bbox_min.x;
float x1 = p2.x - p1.x;
float x2 = intercept.x - p1.x;
intercept.y = p1.y + x2 * (p2.y - p1.y) / x1;
intercept.z = p1.z + x2 * (p2.z - p1.z) / x1;

if( intercept.y <= bbox_max.y && intercept.y >= bbox_min.y && intercept.z <= bbox_max.z && intercept.z >= bbox_min.z ) {
return true;

if( outcode1 & (CLIP_TOP | CLIP_BOTTOM) ) {
if( outcode1 & CLIP_TOP ) {
intercept.y = bbox_max.y;
} else {
intercept.y = bbox_min.y;
float y1 = p2.y - p1.y;
float y2 = intercept.y - p1.y;
intercept.x = p1.x + y2 * (p2.x - p1.x) / y1;
intercept.z = p1.z + y2 * (p2.z - p1.z) / y1;

if( intercept.x <= bbox_max.x && intercept.x >= bbox_min.x && intercept.z <= bbox_max.z && intercept.z >= bbox_min.z ) {
return true;

if( outcode1 & (CLIP_FRONT | CLIP_BACK) ) {
if( outcode1 & CLIP_BACK ) {
intercept.z = bbox_max.z;
} else {
intercept.z = bbox_min.z;
float z1 = p2.z - p1.z;
float z2 = intercept.z - p1.z;
intercept.x = p1.x + z2 * (p2.x - p1.x) / z1;
intercept.y = p1.y + z2 * (p2.y - p1.y) / z1;

if( intercept.x <= bbox_max.x && intercept.x >= bbox_min.x && intercept.y <= bbox_max.y && intercept.y >= bbox_min.y ) {
return true;

// nothing found
return false;

// determines a collision between a ray and a sphere
// ray_start: the start pos of the ray
// ray_dir: the normalized direction of the ray
// length: length of ray to check
// sphere_pos: sphere position
// sphere_rad: sphere redius
// hit_time: (OUT) if a collision, contains the distance from ray.pos
// hit_pos: (OUT) if a collision, contains the world point of the collision
// returns: true if a collision occurred
bool collide_ray_sphere( vector &ray_start, vector &ray_dir, float length, vector &sphere_pos, float sphere_rad, float &hit_time, vector &hit_pos )
// get the offset vector
vector offset = sphere_pos - ray_start;

// get the distance along the ray to the center point of the sphere
float ray_dist = ray_dir * offset;
if( ray_dist <= 0 || (ray_dist - length) > sphere_rad) {
// moving away from object or too far away
return false;

// get the squared distances
float off2 = offset * offset;
float rad2 = sphere_rad * sphere_rad;
if( off2 <= rad2 ) {
// we're in the sphere
hit_pos = ray_start;
hit_time = 0;
return true;

// find hit distance squared
float d = rad2 - (off2 - ray_dist * ray_dist);
if( d < 0 ) {
// ray passes by sphere without hitting
return false;

// get the distance along the ray
hit_time = (float)(ray_dist - sqrt( d ));
if( hit_time > length ) {
// hit point beyond length
return false;

// sort out the details
hit_pos = ray_start + ray_dir * hit_time;
hit_time /= length;
return true;
} ---------------------------------------

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