This function will return what you are looking for. A couple of notes- 1. The finest granularity is minutes. 2. It will not work with 2 dates 5 minutes or less apart.
Function QuarterHour(dteDate1 As Date, dteDate2 As Date) As Double
If InStr(strString, "." > 0 Then
Select Case Mid(strString, InStr(strString, ".", Len(strString))
Case 0 To 0.25
strString = Left(strString, InStr(strString, ".") & "25"
Case 0.251 To 0.5
strString = Left(strString, InStr(strString, ".") & "50"
Case 0.501 To 0.75
strString = Left(strString, InStr(strString, ".") & "75"
Case Else
strString = Left(strString, InStr(strString, "." - 1) + 1
End Select
End If
Nope, in your original post you said "I need to calculate the DateDiff of 2 time feilds"- where are you putting this calculation a third text box? If so you would set the Control Source property of that box to QuarterHour([TextBox1], [TextBox2]). Or were you doing something else with the calculation.
You understand exactly what I need, however I can not get it to work. Do I swap out the dteDate1 and 2 with the time field names?
Do I save this as a function?
Copy and paste the code into a module window exactly as is. Then you can call it as a function- So instead of-"Do I swap out the dteDate1 and 2 with the time field names?"- you can pass those field names as input parameters to the function. 2 examples of how you can apply this (Replace The Blue Text with the control names of your application)...
1. With a query...
QuarterHour([DateTime Field1], [DateTime Field2]) as RoundedQuarterHourDifference
2. On A Form....
If you have 3 textboxes- [DateTime Field1], [DateTime Field2] and [Calculated Difference]
You can set the Control Source property of [Calculated Difference]
to = QuarterHour([DateTime Field1], [DateTime Field2])
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