I would like to know if i could simply do the difference between 2 COleDateTime variable, if i would know the length of time between them.
m_LenghtOfTime=m_Date2-m_Date1; ?
the operator +,-... coulmd be used only with a COleDateTime and a COleDateTimeSpan, so i don't know what is the length of time i have to substract to a COleDateTime, but i want to calculate this length. Do you know what i mean?
If I understand correctly, U want get the difference between 2 COleDateTime objects. Time difference. E.g. 4:10:04 and 5:12:05 the dif will be 01:02:01. Right? Maybe not, because this is :
COleDateTime timeStart, timeEnd;
COleDateTimeSpan spanElapsed = timeEnd - timeStart;
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