Relatively new to Crystal.
Trying to build statement to combine, Last, First Middle, Suffix. Not all names have a middle or suffix. So if there is a middle name I need a space between first and middle. Then if there is a suffix I need a [comma][space]suffix
So far I'm to:
if Not isnull({NMMAIN.MIDDLE}) then (" "&{NMMAIN.MIDDLE})else ""&
if isnull({NMMAIN.MIDDLE}) then"" else
if Not isnull({NMMAIN.SUFFIX}) then (", "&{NMMAIN.SUFFIX})else ""
This will return:
Last, First [space][,]suffix (if there is one). So when there is no suffix I still have a [, ] at the end.
If there is no middle name then I have Last, First[space][comma]Suffix
I suspect I'm missing something separating the if statements?
Trying to build statement to combine, Last, First Middle, Suffix. Not all names have a middle or suffix. So if there is a middle name I need a space between first and middle. Then if there is a suffix I need a [comma][space]suffix
So far I'm to:
if Not isnull({NMMAIN.MIDDLE}) then (" "&{NMMAIN.MIDDLE})else ""&
if isnull({NMMAIN.MIDDLE}) then"" else
if Not isnull({NMMAIN.SUFFIX}) then (", "&{NMMAIN.SUFFIX})else ""
This will return:
Last, First [space][,]suffix (if there is one). So when there is no suffix I still have a [, ] at the end.
If there is no middle name then I have Last, First[space][comma]Suffix
I suspect I'm missing something separating the if statements?