Will it possible to bind the same query result to two dropdown controls like this? thank you
Dim strStringBuilder As StringBuilder
strStringBuilder = New StringBuilder
With strStringBuilder
.Append("SELECT TM from tbTM ")
End With
Dim cmdMemos As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand
cmdMemos.Connection = MyTechMemoConn
cmdMemos.CommandType = CommandType.Text
cmdMemos.CommandText = strStringBuilder.ToString
Dim adMemoStatus As New OleDbDataAdapter(cmdMemos)
Dim dsMemos As New DataSet
adMemoStatus.Fill(dsMemos, "MemoStatus")
drpSuperSTM.DataSource = dsMemos
drpSuperSTM.DataTextField = "TM"
drpSuperSTM.DataValueField = "TM"
drpTM.DataTextField = "TM"
drpTM.DataValueField = "TM"