I have this code
which runs with no errors, but has no output in this current format. This is actually a web page, so there is scripting in and around these queries to loop through, I was just trying to test and thought I had the loops adequately mimicked. Anyway, I would like to figure out how to do this set-wise, but am coming up with a bit of a block. Anybody out there care to take a stab at this without using a loop?
declare @rowid int
declare @pid varchar(20)
declare @lr int
declare @hr int
declare @counter int
declare @counts int
set @counter = 1
SELECT @rowid=rowid, @pid=study_participant_id, @lr=lowrow, @hr=highrow, @counts=COUNT(*) FROM dbEDRN195.dbo.PSADTCombined group by rowid, study_participant_id, lowrow, highrow order by study_participant_id
while @counter<@counts
if @hr=0
SELECT distinct study_participant_id, phase, cast(proc_labs_psa_date as DATE) as psadate, proc_labs_psa_value, '' as valueset, '' as dateset
FROM dbEDRN195.dbo.PSADTCombined WHERE study_participant_id = @pid and rowid = @rowid)
(SELECT distinct pdv.study_participant_id, phase, cast(proc_labs_psa_date as DATE) as psadate, proc_labs_psa_value , pl.valueset, pd.dateset
FROM dbEDRN195.dbo.PSADTCombined as pdv join (select distinct study_participant_id, substring ( stuff(
( select ' , ' + cast(proc_labs_psa_value as varchar(max))
from dbEDRN195.dbo.PSADTCombined
where study_participant_id = @pid and RowID between @lr and @hr
order by proc_labs_psa_date
for xml path ('') ),
1 ,
2 ,
, 2 , 1000 ) as valueset
from dbEDRN195.dbo.PSADTCombined as results) as pl on pdv.study_participant_id=pl.study_participant_id
join (select distinct study_participant_id, substring ( stuff(
( select ' , ' + cast(cast(proc_labs_psa_date as date) as varchar(max))
from dbEDRN195.dbo.PSADTCombined
where study_participant_id = @pid and RowID between @lr and @hr
order by proc_labs_psa_date
for xml path ('') ),
1 ,
2 ,
, 2 , 1000 ) as dateset
from dbEDRN195.dbo.PSADTCombined as results) as pd on pdv.study_participant_id=pd.study_participant_id
WHERE pdv.study_participant_id = @pid and rowid= @hr
set @counter = @counter+1
which runs with no errors, but has no output in this current format. This is actually a web page, so there is scripting in and around these queries to loop through, I was just trying to test and thought I had the loops adequately mimicked. Anyway, I would like to figure out how to do this set-wise, but am coming up with a bit of a block. Anybody out there care to take a stab at this without using a loop?