user <![CDATA[BLAH BLAH BLAH BLHA]]> in that element to prevent the parser from looking into the content
<ADDRESS><![CDATA[Henson Road 4353AB<br>2nd Floor]]</ADDRESS>
Well, that doesn't fit your request for a DTD dodge.
And that's fine as long as you don't want the data parsed. But that begs the question, why use XML at all? Rather than tag your data to make it useful in multiple settings, you've just obscured it in one big blob.
Sure, it takes more work at the outset to create tags like
etc., but at least the next time you need that data again, it's ready for you.
Like I said, I think you've found a way to accomplish what you want for now, but I think you're missing the point of using XML for data representation.
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