Technical User
Hello all,
first of... my english isn't all that well.. so please be patient with me
i'm having a problem doing the following:
i have a notesdatabase in which i'm trying to compose a form called "Melding" by VBA. In this form i have a field called "Verzoek". In this field i'm trying to place an attachment by VBA. I'm getting nowhere...
Any help is greatly appreciated!!!
My code so far:
Sub makemehappy()
dim workspace as object
dim bestandje as string
set workspace=createobject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
call workspace.opendatabase("domino-1",plw\office.nsf)
set uidoc=workspace.composedocument("","","Melding")
'here should be a code which attaches the document 'bestandje'....
call uidoc.save(false, false)
end sub
first of... my english isn't all that well.. so please be patient with me
i'm having a problem doing the following:
i have a notesdatabase in which i'm trying to compose a form called "Melding" by VBA. In this form i have a field called "Verzoek". In this field i'm trying to place an attachment by VBA. I'm getting nowhere...
Any help is greatly appreciated!!!
My code so far:
Sub makemehappy()
dim workspace as object
dim bestandje as string
set workspace=createobject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
call workspace.opendatabase("domino-1",plw\office.nsf)
set uidoc=workspace.composedocument("","","Melding")
'here should be a code which attaches the document 'bestandje'....
call uidoc.save(false, false)
end sub