Hi, I am trying to align the charts (pie chart and bar chart) on a worksheet. I tried the following code, but I get an error with the .LEFT line.
With Worksheets("Budget Report"
.Left = .Columns("B"
.Top = 200
End With
The .TOP property correctly puts the bar chart at 200, but after I add a Pie chart, the bar chart gets pushed to the bottom. Any idea why?
With Worksheets("Budget Report"
.Left = .Columns("B"
.Top = 600
End With
Thank you for your help,
With Worksheets("Budget Report"
End With
The .TOP property correctly puts the bar chart at 200, but after I add a Pie chart, the bar chart gets pushed to the bottom. Any idea why?
With Worksheets("Budget Report"
End With
Thank you for your help,