I know about relative vs absolute addressing, but I want to test the values in two adjacent cells in a row in a macro that I've chosen to write using classic 123 macros. Is there a way of saying look in the cell to the right of the current cell?
For example:
{if (@cellpointer("contents")=3)#and#(@cell("contents",g14)>28)}{right 2}{cell-enter "Delete"}{left 2}
This shows that I want to test a value in the current cell and the value in the cell to the right, but this example uses a fixed address. So if the macro works donw a number of rows it will always access the same cell for the second IF statement. I want it to refer to the cell on the same row as the current one.
No doubt there is a function to achieve this but I haven't spotted it yet. I had wondered if I could use the value from the "col" attribute of @CELL or @CELLPOINTER but again haven't found the reverse function.
For example:
{if (@cellpointer("contents")=3)#and#(@cell("contents",g14)>28)}{right 2}{cell-enter "Delete"}{left 2}
This shows that I want to test a value in the current cell and the value in the cell to the right, but this example uses a fixed address. So if the macro works donw a number of rows it will always access the same cell for the second IF statement. I want it to refer to the cell on the same row as the current one.
No doubt there is a function to achieve this but I haven't spotted it yet. I had wondered if I could use the value from the "col" attribute of @CELL or @CELLPOINTER but again haven't found the reverse function.