Good day, all.
I'm using a VBA-like program (Cognos Script) to attempt to add a short piece of code to an Excel file. The method works when adding a macro, but not for more general code.
The Code is a Worksheet_SelectionChange event and is constructed in a string using Chr(34) and Chr(13)
It is added to the open workbook by this code
I tried adding the following code
but the workbook does not retain all the code; in examining the workbook by using the 'view code' on the sheet, I can only see
on the worksheet.
Can someone point me in the right direction or tell me what I've overlooked?
Many thanks,
soi là, soi carré
I'm using a VBA-like program (Cognos Script) to attempt to add a short piece of code to an Excel file. The method works when adding a macro, but not for more general code.
The Code is a Worksheet_SelectionChange event and is constructed in a string using Chr(34) and Chr(13)
strCode = "Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)" & CHR(13)
strCode = strCode & "Dim strfilter, rowno" & CHR(13)
strCode = strCode & "If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Me.Range(" + CHR(34) + "B2:E27"+ CHR(34) + ")) Is Nothing Then" & CHR(13)
strCode = strCode & " strfilter = Chr(63 + ActiveCell.Column)" & CHR(13)
strCode = strCode & " rowno = CStr(ActiveCell.Row)" & CHR(13)
strCode = strCode & " Sheets(Range("& CHR(34) & "A" & CHR(34) & "+ rowno).FormulaR1C1).Select" & CHR(13)
strCode = strCode & " ActiveSheet.Columns("& CHR(34) & "L:L" & CHR(34) & ").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=strfilter" & CHR(13)
strCode = strCode & "End If" & CHR(13)
strCode = strCode & "End Sub" & CHR(13)
strCode = strCode & " "
It is added to the open workbook by this code
Set xlmodule = objExcel.Workbooks(1).VBProject.VBComponents.Add(1)
xlmodule.CodeModule.AddFromString strCode
Set xlmodule = Nothing
I tried adding the following code
With objExcel.Application.VBE.MainWindow
.Visible = True
.Visible = False
End With
but the workbook does not retain all the code; in examining the workbook by using the 'view code' on the sheet, I can only see
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub
Can someone point me in the right direction or tell me what I've overlooked?
Many thanks,
soi là, soi carré