I've got a few pages for which I've used a function to fill an option list with MYSQL DB values as below.
function SectionListBox()
$result3=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT section FROM htg ORDER BY section"
echo "<select name=\"section\"><br>";
echo "<option value=>Select a section ...";
while ($row3 = mysql_fetch_array($result3))
$section = $row3["section"];
echo "<option value='$section'>$section</option>";
echo "</select>";
In the form I simply add the following...
Section:<?php sectionlistbox() ?>
What I'd like to do is allow for an item that is not on the list.
This might be a bit off list but I think that I'll have have use PHP to get what I want.
I've got a few pages for which I've used a function to fill an option list with MYSQL DB values as below.
function SectionListBox()
$result3=mysql_query("SELECT DISTINCT section FROM htg ORDER BY section"
echo "<select name=\"section\"><br>";
echo "<option value=>Select a section ...";
while ($row3 = mysql_fetch_array($result3))
$section = $row3["section"];
echo "<option value='$section'>$section</option>";
echo "</select>";
In the form I simply add the following...
Section:<?php sectionlistbox() ?>
What I'd like to do is allow for an item that is not on the list.
This might be a bit off list but I think that I'll have have use PHP to get what I want.