Technical User
Got 1 domain (NT4), 1 site holds the Exchange 5.5 Bridgehead server with the Internet mail connector on also on this site are 2 other 5.5 servers linked via X400\mta to bridgehead server. With 6 other remote NT4\5.5 sites all connecting via X400\MTA to the Bridgehead server.
My question(s) is;
If I add the Imsext.dll to the internet mail connector 5.5 Bridgehead server will this add text to all mail when configured passing through it(depending on what registry entries I edit\enter).
Will I have to replace all the X400 connectors\MTA in the domain with the internet mail connector to\from remote sites and add the Imsext.dll to each 5.5 server to enable domain wide usage of this extension. If so would the internet mail connectors on remote sites connect\be routed straight to the bridgehead server or to our ISP\firewall
My question(s) is;
If I add the Imsext.dll to the internet mail connector 5.5 Bridgehead server will this add text to all mail when configured passing through it(depending on what registry entries I edit\enter).
Will I have to replace all the X400 connectors\MTA in the domain with the internet mail connector to\from remote sites and add the Imsext.dll to each 5.5 server to enable domain wide usage of this extension. If so would the internet mail connectors on remote sites connect\be routed straight to the bridgehead server or to our ISP\firewall