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How to add a head to the search results in Excel 2016 using VBA

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Jul 24, 2024
Here is my entire VBA code. I have very limited knowledge of Excel and VBA, so I would greatly appreciate your help.
Private Sub input_search_Change()
    Dim arr(), result, i As Long, a As Long, dk As String
    dk = input_search.Text
    arr = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A4:D20006").Value
    ReDim result(1 To UBound(arr, 1), 1 To 6)
    For i = 1 To UBound(arr, 1)
        If arr(i, 2) Like "*" & dk & "*" Or _
         arr(i, 4) Like "*" & dk & "*" Then
        a = a + 1
        result(a, 1) = arr(i, 1)
        result(a, 2) = arr(i, 2)
        result(a, 3) = arr(i, 3)
        result(a, 4) = arr(i, 4)
        End If
    Next i
    lstwebsite = ""
    lstwebsite.List = result

End Sub
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
lstwebsite.List = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A4:D20006").Value
End Sub

I have built a data table and a data search function for Excel using a VBA ListBox. Everything works perfectly, but now I want to add a title to the search results. Does anyone know how to do this?

Currently, the title is not included in the search results when the program runs.

This is my source data table, I would greatly appreciate any assistance

With a lot of guessing, I assume that you ask how to fill listbox headers headers if ColumnHeads property is set to true.

If so, it works only when RowSource property of ListBox is a valid address of a range, where the data is stored. The headers are from the row above. An alternative is to have a list without headers and add labels above.
However, if you need a list with headers:
- add worksheet ("SearchData") to keep search results, with headers in first row (it may be finally hidden), put required headers in A1:D1 (A1:F1? - depending on how many columns you need, 4 or 6; adjust it respectively below),
- store somewhere value of a, calculated in input_search_Change, skip the rest if a=0(),
- store search data in destination range:
[pre] ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SearchData").Range("A2").Resize(a,4)=result[/pre]
- add data to list:
[pre] lstwebsite.Rowsource=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("SearchData").Range("A2").Resize(a,4).Address(External:=True)[/pre]

Note that there is a VBA dedicated forum707

By the statement;
duytoi said:
I want to add a title to the search results
Do you mean - have words SEARCH WEBSITE to rows 1-2 in column B?

---- Andy

"Hmm...they have the internet on computers now"--Homer Simpson
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