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How to activate "Task Pane Manager" in code 2

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Feb 15, 2015
I see that most folks want to deactivate the Task Pane Manager. I am on the flip side of that. I want to know how to ACTIVATE that manager with code.

I tried many ways.

RUN taskpane.app
RUN [/N] taskpane.app
RUN [/N] "taskpane.app"
RUN [/N] "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual foxpro 9\taskpane.app"

However, this way does bring up another copy of VFP with the Task Pane Manager in it!

CD "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual foxpro 9"
RUN taskpane.app

But that is not useful. (Most likely some issue with "program files (x86)")

I need that because I want to move each of my utility windows "Trace, Watch, Locals, stack, Document View, etc" in a specific location on the screen. I use a 4K 55" screen with two 28" HD screens and my VFP opens tall and wide in the 4K monitor. So I have lots of room, but after hours of editing the utility screens end up under/over/partially hidden etc... a mess... So my Project Hook calls up a few tiny buttons which I locate in a strategic location and it gives me the ability to organize the windows where I want them at the click of a tiny and visible button.

I'm sure it must be simple and I will be kicking myself later. I tried ACTIVATE WINDOW too, but that requires a DEFINE command whose parameters sources are unknown to me, whereas WATCH and the other windows do not require DEFINE. They seem to be always active

I know that the active object of Task Pane is "_otaskpane" and I know how to manipulate it to stretch it, position it, shut down etc. But when it is released() bringing it back to life escapes me.

Any help would be very appreciated.

RUN vs DO: RUN does run a file, typically an EXE with the /N option meaning not waiting for the EXE to finish, but also without this option, you run a new process through %COMSPEC% (cmd.exe). If you RUN an APP, you run a new full VFP process, yes, because APP is associated with VFP. The same happens, if you double click an app in Windows Exlporer or ShellExecute it.

You DO an app to start it in the current VFP IDE, that's really all to it.
Bye, Olaf.
Ha ha ha... <Blushing> Thank you, Olaf. It has been a few years since I used VFP seriously.
And the square brackets are option indicators... Run /N ... Arrggh.

Thank you. Nice and concise.


The normal brackets around _TASKPANE?
Well, otherwise VFP would search a literal file named "_TASKPANE" in the current directory. Trying several file extensions, starting with .EXE, then .APP, then .FXP, ans finally .PRG

PS: In theory, that is. Trying DO _TASKPANE I get syntax error.

Bye, Olaf.
Ah, I see now, you meant the square brackets around the intellitip "RUN [/N]" showing up, when you type RUN. Yes, these brackets are indicating /N is an optional option of RUN.

Bye, Olaf.
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