Hi friends
I am facing a problem, deployment in production. I am useing CE Server. How to access the server from the .asp page. Present i hot coded server name in my global.asa file as application variable, and i am useing in .asp page. It is working very fine in development site. Now whole code is moved to produciton environment. When I call the report from out side(from my home) i getting page not found error. HOw to change global.asa file. Web Connecter intalled on Web Server and CE8 intalled on Crystal Server.
Application("CrystalReportLocation" = "//servername/crystal/reports/CReports/viewrpt.cwr"
Is there any method is there to call server from the .asp page. Web Server is outside firewall and CE Server is inside the firewall.
Advance Thanks
If you anybody want to talk by phone please give me your tel number i will call you.
My number is 8504131997/7038680758
Name Bhaskar
I am facing a problem, deployment in production. I am useing CE Server. How to access the server from the .asp page. Present i hot coded server name in my global.asa file as application variable, and i am useing in .asp page. It is working very fine in development site. Now whole code is moved to produciton environment. When I call the report from out side(from my home) i getting page not found error. HOw to change global.asa file. Web Connecter intalled on Web Server and CE8 intalled on Crystal Server.
Application("CrystalReportLocation" = "//servername/crystal/reports/CReports/viewrpt.cwr"
Is there any method is there to call server from the .asp page. Web Server is outside firewall and CE Server is inside the firewall.
Advance Thanks
If you anybody want to talk by phone please give me your tel number i will call you.
My number is 8504131997/7038680758
Name Bhaskar