>... properties ...from a file in the clipboard.
You mean the whole file actually loaded in the clipboard, or do you mean properties of it copied to the clipboard? If it is the former, I doublt even the full-flegded vb cannot. If it is the latter, vbs can use a hack of using an instance of browser to get the data from the clipboard.
This is a very much tempered function to read clipboard text data. Any thing less than a string will return an empty string to make script behaviour well-tempered.
wscript.echo s
function getcbstring()
'getcbstring is very much tempered,
'empty string is returned if it is unable to handle data or nothing is there.
set oie=createobject("internetexplorer.application")
oie.navigate "about:blank"
do while oie.readystate<>4 : wscript.sleep 50 : loop
set oclip=oie.document.parentwindow.clipboarddata
on error resume next
if err.number=0 then
if lcase(typename(sdata))="string" then
end if
end if
on error goto 0
set oclip=nothing
set oie=nothing
end function
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